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My screen is huge...Can anyone help please?

On 13 Jun 2009 at 9:05pm zola wrote:
I have just turned my lappy on and everything is absolutely huge on the screen...I have probably pressed something by accident....Can anyone help??
On 13 Jun 2009 at 10:11pm Zola wrote:
Googled the question.Went in 'VIEW' and went onto 'text size' and clicked on 'smallest' setting.It got better,but it stil isn't back to normal.
What I see is still too wide for the screen...
Any help would be much appreciated...
On 13 Jun 2009 at 10:32pm BIS wrote:
You could try right clicking on the desktop, select settings and try different screen resolutions - I usually set mine at the highest resolution - good if you don't mind nose prints on the screen(!)
On 13 Jun 2009 at 10:57pm Zola wrote:
Thanks for getting back.
I am a bit clueless...Desktop..Is that the top or the bottom?
I have right clicked in the top and bottom...And don't see a 'settings'...??
On 13 Jun 2009 at 11:07pm BIS wrote:
If the problem is only in your web browser (internet explorer or firefox, etc) then you could try pressing 'ctrl' and either the '+' or '-' to zoom in and out of the webpage.
If its on all your programs - try the earlier comment. The desktop is the 'blank' screen when you have all programs/windows either closed or minimised. (pressing the windows symbol key and 'd' together minimises all windows)
Hope this helps - might be barking up the wrong tree, or just barking..
On 13 Jun 2009 at 11:20pm zola wrote:
I did the first thing,pressing 'ctrl' then + and minus...No change.
I did the 2nd thing,minimising all programmes...(And I saw what you meant then)Clicked on the taskbar,but still can't see settings anywhere?
Where are the 'settings'?
Sorry if this is difficult for you,but I am very grateful for your assistance!!
On 13 Jun 2009 at 11:22pm zola wrote:
I have Internet Explorer,and Google by the way...
On 13 Jun 2009 at 11:26pm BIS wrote:
No worries - the 'ctrl' and '-' you have to press simultaneous whilst you are in the web browser - this should work ?
For the other suggestion: On the desktop, put your cursor in the middle of the screen to do the right click - not on the bar at the bottom (where you get task manager). This will bring up a list - select 'properties' then the 'settings' tab. You should then see the screen resolution settings.
On 13 Jun 2009 at 11:32pm zola wrote:
I have done it !!
But it is too small now...But a lot better than it was.
Went to 'propertiea', then settings,and raised the arrow...And it went back.
Going back in to adjust it now coz it is way too small for me.
Wonder why it went awry in the first place as I didn't press any buttons...?
On 13 Jun 2009 at 11:37pm BIS wrote:
Glad you sorted it!
It could have occurred last time you shut it down - if it was unexpected, they will sometimes boot up next time in a lower resolution, like starting in safe mode after a crash or blue screen moment.
Still you know for next time now! :o)
On 13 Jun 2009 at 11:52pm zola wrote:
Strange...When I went into properties,then settings...And tried to adjust that little bar thingy,on the lowest setting it is far too small...I mean,I can't even see it.Then 1 notch up and it is too big again...Wierd.
Anyway...I just fiddle about with the 100%. 125%. 150%, thingy on the bottom right of my screen when I need my screen a bit bigger...My eyesight isn't what it was. Thanks BIS.
Just watching Spike Milligan on More 4...Love him!
On 14 Jun 2009 at 6:06pm Toque wrote:
You probably pressed ctrl and then rolled your mouse. This decreases or increases the text size on you screen.
On 14 Jun 2009 at 6:55pm zola wrote:
I don't use a mouse.I use the pad thing on my lappy. Could I have still mucked up my settings with that? I am interested to know what caused everything to blow up to such huge proportions...
On 14 Jun 2009 at 8:28pm Pervy Pete wrote:
Any takers?
On 14 Jun 2009 at 9:06pm Zee wrote:
On 15 Jun 2009 at 7:08am Toque wrote:
If you press ctrl and then roll your finger down the pad you can change the text size.
On 15 Jun 2009 at 11:51am Ed Can Do wrote:
Also on laptops the edge of the touchpad can act as a middle mouse button, depending on your settings.
The screen messing up in the first place could just have been a temporary glitch with your graphics card. It happens sometimes, if it happens again though you might want to get it checked out.
On 17 Jun 2009 at 2:17pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Pervy Pete, only just noticed you changed the heading! I could always chop a bit off for you!!

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