On 17 Jul 2007 at 11:41am Miss Demeanor wrote:
Did anyone witness last Friday's "Moving On" parade in Lewes?
Every year it gets better and this year was no exception - well done to all involved.
It's also lovely to see local children getting primed for adult involvement in local activities....Bonfire!
On 17 Jul 2007 at 1:33pm Angela Grand wrote:
Yes I was stuck in traffic because of it. I certainly don't remember it when I left Primary School, WHATS THE POINT?
On 17 Jul 2007 at 2:51pm Andy wrote:
Yep....it was superb. My daughter goes to St Pancras but still has another two years there. But i've been taking the year 4, 5 and 6 kids for football and cricket training since last september and they're a great bunch.
Will be sorry to see them leave but wish them the very best of luck
On 17 Jul 2007 at 10:22pm less boring than grand wrote:
It's a time to come together and to celebrate. It's for the children. It's for those who like to have fun. It's not for miserable cows fuming because they are stuck in traffic. Children were here long before cars. Lighten up, chill out and don't moan about the happy, fun occasions in life, just because they didn't happen when you were at school.
On 18 Jul 2007 at 6:49am Angela Grand wrote:
Yes, lets tell our under achieving children how great they are and hold a parade for them. Don't forget there are no losers in life we all take part.
They can then go to to be educated on Social Studies, how to film Happy slapping and climate change. We can then teach them the world wars didn't really happen and that the Industrial Revolution was the biggest mistake mankind ever made.
On 18 Jul 2007 at 8:57am The Tooth Fairy wrote:
Angela, you're not married to Rolfey, by any chance?
On 18 Jul 2007 at 9:32am Andy wrote:
Hey Angela....have you thought about suicide....you miserable ****
On 18 Jul 2007 at 9:50am ExiledfromLewes wrote:
Wow, do you actually believe that Angela!!!!! Most children I've come across in Lewes are on the whole an intelligent, good humoured bunch. Why not hold a parade for them many of them are talented at sports, music, art etc.
However what if they are under achieving (which I disagree), the amount of times I've witnessed kids shouted all types of abuse on the buses in London from their parents is really frightning. And it doesn't take a wooley liberal to come to the conclusion that some kids just need some positive motivation to find out what they are good at, instead of being dumped upon at home and in school.
Finally I can reasure you the World wars are a key component in the national curriculum, as was the Industrial revolution this is not going to change soon.
On 18 Jul 2007 at 4:50pm Angela Grand wrote:
Ok ...... I admit I got a little carried away. Still got stuck in traffic though!
On 18 Jul 2007 at 5:22pm less boring than grand wrote:
Sorry Angela, didn't mean to be rude. However, I teach year 6 children (not in Lewes area), and the vast majority certainly are not under-achievers. For many years the children have been taught about both World Wars. The Industrial Revolution, good and bad aspects are also studied in depth. There's nothing wrong with Social Studies, and I can't think of many more important topics to make our children aware of than climate change. I don't believe that happy slapping filming is part of the national curriculum; most children are far more at ease with tecnology than us teachers. For what it's worth, the old people in Lewes are generally far ruder than the kids. Let the children celebrate moving on to secondary school, it's a big deal to them.
On 18 Jul 2007 at 8:42pm For The Record wrote:
I think the moving-on parade is a great idea for children - the transition between primary and secondary schools can be daunting for the most hardy of children (and very traumatic for others).
It is a short parade and I would have thought the 20 minute traffic delay would have hardly been noticed in the town centre.
On 21 Jul 2007 at 12:21am Head in hands. wrote:
I have to say, this sounds like a backslapping excercise for obsessive parenting and terminal political correctness. To describe that move as daunting or traumatic (pur-leeeeze!) says nothing so much as Lewes primary schools are churning out a bunch of pansies. Or is it such hard work now because parents are too obsessive to let their children play in the streets and meet & interact with unfamiliar faces, ie practice essential growing-up skills?
On 21 Jul 2007 at 6:33am Andy wrote:
I make NO apologies for not letting my daughter (9 next week) play in the streets with the amount of perverts and other dodgy characters out there. Some of her friends (same age as her) are allowed out anywhere they like as long as they don't go out of Lewes and are home before dark and they have their own door key because their parent(s) are out.
It's not about political correctness or backslapping, it's about keeping your kids safe...nothing else, no hidden agenda i'm afraid.
And i don't care what you say pal, going from primary to secondary school is daunting and traumatic for even the hardiest child....i was visibly shaking on my first day at secondary school in the mid 70's.
So get off your soap box 'head in hands', let the kids enjoy their end of term celebrations and move on pal
On 21 Jul 2007 at 7:02am Ha ha ha wrote:
Ha ha ha ha ha!
You were visibly shaking? Ha ha ha ha! Oh god, I'm gonna hurt myself.
Oh, that's priceless.
'Head in hands' is on a soapbox? Ha ha ha ha!
If you don't care what he says, why are you getting so upset?
For crying out loud - I bet you've got a 'back off - baby on board' sticker on your car.
Only the stupid and the blind would have called me the hardiest child, but I relished going to a new school, wasn't even remotely bothered by the idea, or the reality. Don't know anyone who was (oh, yeah I do actually - ha ha ha ha!).
On 21 Jul 2007 at 10:39am Come on then wrote:
Hmmmmm....how many more names can this c**t above go by. Shame you have to hide behind your PC screen to dish the insults out.
Another one who insists on ramming their opinions down everyone's throats.
Maybe you are one of the nonces that roam our streets looking for the latchkey kids
On 21 Jul 2007 at 11:03am ExiledfromLewes wrote:
I think most people forget what there last days of school were like, even if you don't like the idea of parade it's hardly worth getting angry about or spouting insults at other people.
However my last day involved (if i can remember) going to a school assembly and singing Yesterday by the Beatles and a number of the kids cried whilst singing it. Come on rip the piss Mr Ha ha ha ha..... Or is this bellicose attitude in fact due to a failure to dissociate from a traumatic childhood event, I state this hypothesis due to the clear symptoms that you have shown on this thread, multiple personality, anger and the expression of self harm in the first sentence 'I'm going to hurt myself'. That is a clear statement that you are trying to ward off more pain for yourself in the future, by reversing the role and becomming the attacker yourself.
I would suggest that you are a bit old for a parade, however it might be a good idea to talk to someone.
On 21 Jul 2007 at 1:08pm Mrs Pells wrote:
Funny, probably true as well.
On 23 Jul 2007 at 10:26am Miss Malling wrote:
I agree with Andy. 'Ha ha ha' - you are a sad person with an obvious dislike for children...
On 23 Jul 2007 at 5:20pm come on then wrote:
Obviously "ha ha ha" was abused as a child and has gone on to inflict the same punishment to other children. Bloody nonce...should be publicly hung
On 27 Jul 2007 at 11:15pm MC wrote:
> I make NO apologies for not letting my daughter (9 next
> week) play in the streets with the amount of perverts and
> other dodgy characters out there.
This is really sad. Either you live in the wrong street (and not in Lewes) or you've been suckered by the press and are ignorant of statistics. If you'd said that you wouldn't let her play in the streets due to the threat of a traffic accident, that would have made some sense.