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More parking restrictions

On 24 Apr 2018 at 2:28pm Parked wrote:
Apparently we were consulted and they are adding more loading bays in the High Street and so way less parking.
Can they make it any harder to stop and shop in Lewes.
On 24 Apr 2018 at 3:03pm cockshute wrote:
You could leave your car at home, get some exercise and enjoy the views. Shops need deliveries or they'd have nothing to sell.
On 24 Apr 2018 at 3:26pm walk wrote:
There are very few reasons for people in Lewes to have to drive into town to shop (supermarkets have car parks for larger trips).
Leave the car at home and stop polluting your children's future
On 24 Apr 2018 at 3:41pm Tom wrote:
I'd like to see any delivery driver actually use them instead of just pulling up where ever they feel like!
On 24 Apr 2018 at 4:05pm A Person wrote:
Maybe, Tom, that's because of all the parked cars - they park in the loading bays just as much as they do the proper parking place. A bit of heavy enforcement is going to be needed here...
On 24 Apr 2018 at 4:27pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I get rather tired of people telling strangers to leave their cars at home, when they have no idea of their personal circumstances or where they live.
It must the best part of 1.5 miles from the top of the Nevill to Cliffe Bridge, so getting on for a 3-mile walk there and back again. My poor old hips and knees would be in agony by the time I got there, never mind getting back again. And no way could I carry any significant amount of shopping.
The buses are expensive and unreliable, even when they're not digging up the road and causing the buses to be diverted without actually telling anyone. So I use my car and I expect many people living on the outskirts or in the nearby villages do the same.
Not everyone lives in the centre of town.
On 24 Apr 2018 at 5:23pm towndweller wrote:
I can't honestly say I would do any different (although personally I am able cycle to see a relation up near the Neville), however the centre of Lewes is now very full indeed of traffic and it has got much worse in the 20 years I have been here. When I have been elsewhere in northern Europe and come back I notice the noise and the smell here are much worse than you would get in a comparable town. In the UK there is no political will to ensure good public transport or easy cycling and I fear it will get worse before it gets better.
On 24 Apr 2018 at 5:39pm walk wrote:
Didn't mean to be flippant ACT. Sounds like you have one of the few reasons that require driving around Lewes. Pretty sure a lot of car trips within the town could be eliminated. There are so many awful comments about driving and parking in Lewes I don't know why those who don't have to do so.
On 24 Apr 2018 at 6:11pm A Person wrote:
ACT, there's never anywhere to park there anyway. That's why the delivery vehicles park all over the double yellows and block the traffic. Reducing the number of on-street parking spaces and enforcing the loading regulations would be a considerable improvement.

No-one is suggesting that you should hike down from the heights of the Nevill to park. But there are quite a few car parks very close to the upper High St - up by the records office, or by the Needlemakers, for instance. That's hardly an unreasonable distance to walk.
On 24 Apr 2018 at 8:23pm Mavis wrote:
I saw a Brake Bros lorry REVERSING down St. Andrews Lane from the High Street ( one way street ) to get to Pelham House. Plus now a pantechnican delivers ready meals to Cote (Chefs Direct) and Ask too. Note the paving stones all broken and replaced with tarmac outside the Courts !! Never mind eh ? Looks attractive maybe ??
On 25 Apr 2018 at 7:19am Rosalyn wrote:
Lewes would really benefit from a proper and co ordinated bus system. Visiting Freemantle in Australia I saw a free bus system that went around the suburban areas every 15 minutes or so, calling by supermarkets etc. and no cars parked on the streets. That meant the buses were never held up.. Presumably local people voted for cleaner air too. Lewes is a hub for those in the villages but the bus service is dismal. Finally I don't understand why Compass is using such heavy large buses when battery lighter ones are used in other towns.
On 25 Apr 2018 at 7:39am Citizen Smith wrote:
@ Rosalyn: A free bus service would just be another burden on the Council Tax budget- paid for by the many to benefit the few. You cannot get a trolley load of shopping on a bus, so a car is needed for a supermarket shop.
Do you always go by bus, Rosalyn? Or use a car?
On 25 Apr 2018 at 7:44am Bobby B wrote:
Good point Wolfie !
On 25 Apr 2018 at 7:52am Parked wrote:
A good debate after we had the usual’ I’m all right because I can walk so why can’t you’ stuff.
Local business needs customers from outskirts of town and villages and they need to carry shopping and just nip in quickly for something. If they can’t they will go for the internet. I know the trolls don’t care about business in the town because they will either surf or go somewhere else however continual hits on the dreadful parking and system in this town will kill it and there are people out there who care about that and the businesses in it.
Of course loading is important but so are customers!
On 25 Apr 2018 at 8:28am Dept Bleeding Obvious wrote:
It’ll all be OK when the mega car park is built for North St Quarter
On 25 Apr 2018 at 8:37am Parked wrote:
3 years? More? Never?
On 25 Apr 2018 at 8:54am Biker wrote:
Electric bikes are the answer in towns like Lewes. Plus better cycle infrastructure around the town including more places to park and lock up.
On 25 Apr 2018 at 9:52am Mavis wrote:
I've also notice that Supermarkets i.e. Tesco seem to encourage sales by offering 2 for 1 discounts or even 3 for 2 which really discriminates both the elderly ( who can't carry it all ) the poorer ( who can't pay more ) and the car-less who also can't cope with the bulk of it. Or simply the single household who don't actually need 3 litres of Orange juice etc !
On 25 Apr 2018 at 1:31pm ratty wrote:
I'll second Biker's point. Get an electric bike. I've got one, it's the most wonderful thing, all the benefits of a bicycle, but no sweat. Almost the perfect transport for a 10 mile radius. I commute to Brighton on it ever day.
On 25 Apr 2018 at 3:09pm Biker wrote:
Along the cycle lane, or on the road, ratty?
On 25 Apr 2018 at 4:25pm Lord of afford wrote:
Yes let's all blow our hard earned on electric bikes. We can all afford one can't we? No. Mormons.
On 25 Apr 2018 at 5:28pm @Lord of afford wrote:
They're a lot cheaper than cars or motorbikes, and you don't need a licence, mot, tax, insurance etc. They're more expensive than push bikes or shank's pony, that's true, but the discussion was about using and parking the car around the town, wasn't it?
On 25 Apr 2018 at 10:56pm Belle wrote:
It's not necessary to park right outside shops, plenty of car parks dotted across town. ACT I suspect you have arthritis and sympathise, I do too. Have you thought about getting a shopper bag to pull shopping along rather than carry ? And walking is a great exercise for arthritis, helps keep the muscles strong and supportive around the knees. I try to walk as much as possible around town. On-street parking problems and traffic delays, plus increased pollution make driving a hassle in Lewes.
On 26 Apr 2018 at 3:45pm Amon Wildes wrote:
C’mmon Citizen Smith. I’m 75 and use a large shopping trolley all the time. You can easily get it in and off the 28/29 which will bring you up, from Alsi/Tesco and Waitrose every 10 mins. All the buses take buggies/trolleys and wheel chairs. Many towns in Europe have electric hopper busses, often paid for by park and ride. Lewes Town and District councils have looked at them but so far no one has found a way to fund them at the moment. To see the 28/39 grind it’s smelly way up the High Street only to turn right and go down again and out to Ringmer is totally ludicrous. Our children will all die from air pollution eventually ......
On 27 Apr 2018 at 12:52am Lopster wrote:
What is the point in walking for 20 minutes to collect a take-away and walking it home - it gets cold
Need to be able to drive in, park for ten minutes to pay and collect - but where to park?

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