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More on Registration

On 21 Aug 2014 at 3:39pm Guildenstern wrote:
The Registration issue raised a useful point - well-made by "Concerned", who recognised the occasional jewel lurking amongst so much Forum rubbish. Like so many other forum readers, I despise the posters who appear to believe that they are displaying their wit when they post obscenities, sexist, extreme political rants and toilet humour.
But I continue to surf for the odd nugget of useful information. The St Anne's debacle is an obvious example.
Let's hope we manage to get the sale delayed until we have had a chance to discover why the successful bidder was chosen.
Would registration have helped or hindered?
When Lewes Matters ran its Forum, the Webmaster resisted registration on the grounds that it stood in the way of original thought.
If we had more original thinking and less self-serving second-hand drivel we wouldn't need registration.
On 21 Aug 2014 at 3:50pm Let it Be... wrote:
And if people didn't rise so easily to the bait when others are so blatantly posting to try to provoke a reaction then that would help too. Ignore the Trolls rather than rising to their bait with a knee-jerk "how are you say that"-type reaction and they'd soon get bored and go off and darken some other forum.
Trouble is, we've too many people on here (and in UK as a whole) who take great pleasure in publically and vociferously taking offence, often on behalf of others who they think should see themselves as oppressed parties. These "do gooders" tend to jump on anything they feel is the slightest bit racist, sexist, ageist, left-wing, right-wing (delete as applicable), and far to many of the "Indigant of Lewes" posters also seem to have had complete sense-of-humour bypasses too...
On 21 Aug 2014 at 7:47pm In the Real World wrote:
@Guildenstern - you must be a real joy at dinner parties
On 21 Aug 2014 at 9:24pm love your neighbour wrote:
Actually she is
On 21 Aug 2014 at 9:44pm Bait alert wrote:
Bait alert !!!
On 22 Aug 2014 at 7:37am Master baiter wrote:
Keep it up
On 26 Aug 2014 at 10:38am Driller Woo Man wrote:
The registration issue seems to crop up every 4 months or so..
'Let it Be' has the situation covered in my opinion.
To the people that are so adamant in wanting registration, before their next call for registration would they kindly tell me/us who actually is the one we call Webbo ?
On 27 Aug 2014 at 12:10pm Wee Bowman wrote:
Indeed who is webbo - and WTF is Drill a Woman sounds sexist in a bad way

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