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More mouth watering morsels...

On 17 Jun 2009 at 10:55pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Poppets (can still get one or two of the many types available)
The Bounty advert ("they came in search of paradise")
On 17 Jun 2009 at 10:58pm Hedwig wrote:
Does anyone remember Secrets? I think thats what they were called. Oh they were SO nice. A bit like Walnut Whips in a chocolate bar??
On 17 Jun 2009 at 11:12pm zola wrote:
i remember Walnut Whips when they had 2 walnuts in,one on the top and one at the bottom.And I rather liked it when Cadburys covered the flake bar with chocolate...Was it called a Swirl? And did you get 2 in a packet?
On 17 Jun 2009 at 11:16pm fruitfly wrote:
On 18 Jun 2009 at 2:47am upsidedown expat wrote:
You were right Decent Citizen, it is NZ (previous thread). Sorry if you wanted to pop into Dunedin, it's a bit of a swim. Cadbury's (set up in 1930's, and now Cadbury/Pascall) here do all sorts of different flavoured chocky blocks that I don't think are made anywhere else(might be wrong). Caramello, Black Forest, Turkish Delight, Old Gold, Roast Almond, Tiramisu, Creme Brulee, Coconut Rough, Crunchie, Peppermint. I've put a bit of weight on since I lived here.
On 18 Jun 2009 at 7:15am Rozzer wrote:
Zola - I remember Walnut Whips having two walnuts. And wasn't there a plain one and a milk one?
Upside Down Expat - I remember Coconut Rough here many years ago. I always wondered what happened to it.
And didn't they ruin KitKat when they changed the wrapper? It used to be nice breaking open the silver paper with your thumbnail.
On 18 Jun 2009 at 8:15am Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Good point Rozzer - part of the joy of sweeties was the opening of the wrappers and I certainly feel that foil covered confectionary had a greater taste (probably fresher as opposed to sweatie plastic wrappers). Mars bars etc used to be wrapped in a wax covered paper and you could make origami objects out of your wrappers are you had feasted upon some delightful munchie.
The other benefits of using foil include reminding you where you have fillings and collecting for Blue Peter initiatives.
On 18 Jun 2009 at 3:05pm Toby wrote:
Have you got a job Spinster?
On 18 Jun 2009 at 3:29pm I dont live in lewes... wrote:
The Cadbury flake that was coverered in chocolate was called a Twirl (swirl), and Yes you got 2 in a packet.
Also remember Walnut Whips whith 2 Walnuts.
On 18 Jun 2009 at 3:56pm Rozzer wrote:
Do you run an employment agency Toby?
On 18 Jun 2009 at 4:30pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Upside down expat thankyou. You lucky person you! Like the sound of Black Forest. Zola I too remember two walnuts in the whips.Twirl bar is now timeout,(I think) give it a go. Still wondering about the crunchy honeycomb! Happy chomping all!
On 18 Jun 2009 at 8:18pm Hedwig wrote:
No Zola you did not get 2 in a bar, it was all one big bar. They were very very like walnut whips, and they came in a kinda dark brown/gold wrapper (may have been black). I'm 99% sure they were called Secret or Secrets and they were scrumy. I'm so intrigued now I might go and google it.
On 18 Jun 2009 at 8:38pm Hedwig I FOUND IT!!! wrote:
Go on www.doyouremember.co.uk and type in Secret chcocolate bars...

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