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More Bad News

On 10 Jun 2016 at 1:00pm pn wrote:
This is not good news, the hope was that a vote against the EU might be treated, not as vote against whole market but only the EU . MPs could argue that it was close and while the country clearly wanted less Europe it was not clear that it wanted no Europe. This would have allowed us to apply to join the EEA or remain in the single market on other available models.
It is no clear there is no such safety net . If we vote out we are out of the whole thing on our own and by the sound of it we can expect few favours. Insurance, legal services pharma , hi tech all rely on the single market. This is just a nightmare …. What are we doing to ourselves; to our children !!

“Germany’s finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, has slammed the door on Britain retaining access to the single market if it votes to the leave the European Union.
In an interview in a Brexit-themed issue of German weekly Der Spiegel, the influential veteran politician ruled out the possibility of the UK following a Swiss or Norwegian model where it could enjoy the benefits of the single market without being an EU member.
“That won’t work,” Schäuble told Der Spiegel. “It would require the country to abide by the rules of a club from which it currently wants to withdraw.”
On 10 Jun 2016 at 1:13pm Redballs wrote:
PN- Schable has his one opinion. Lets face it, I really
don't think the chairperson of Audi, VW and Siemans will agree with him when we start buying Honda's and Nissan's.
Then we will see how much power Schable has. Don't forget that as the rest of Eu
On 10 Jun 2016 at 1:34pm pn wrote:
As members of the WTO we are not allowed to apply tarrifs to such products, non tarrif barriers are another matter when you are selling intellectual products ( which we rely on) . We have absolutely no bargaining position and will,not be invited to the discussion between EU members anyway.
Sounds to me as if we will be under pressure to invoke article thingy on day one as well, with debts at 81% of GDP relying on rock bottom financing.
God help us
On 10 Jun 2016 at 3:54pm Honda's what? wrote:
Power of dreams. - wet ones like Redballs has frequently - hence the name.
On 10 Jun 2016 at 6:23pm Redballs wrote:
Schuble is 73 set to retire and represents only his own hard line and certainly doesn't speak for the Industrialists of Germany but PN you only Cherry Pick the bits of what he actually said, but don't ever let the facts get in the way.
Perhaps tell us about the line he took over crippling Greece and its 50% youth unemployment then Paul, but that doesn't fit your one-sided narrative does it.
Der Spiegel is publishing a special issue I suggest you read it and find out how scared Germany actually are about Brexit.
On 10 Jun 2016 at 6:30pm . wrote:
Dennis Skinner is for Leave - the true voice of Labour.
On 10 Jun 2016 at 7:25pm DJ wrote:
Schäuble Is right that for most Brexit voters the Norwegian model won't work. Still pay in, still have open borders still have the same rules for trade. That's not what most people want if they're voting to leave.
On 10 Jun 2016 at 7:33pm Redballs wrote:
Not a trade war Paul, Germany export far more to us than we export to them. I can't make it any simpler.
Now this is taking up far too much of my time answering your scary mistruths so I am now out.
On 10 Jun 2016 at 7:35pm Sussex Jim wrote:
We have already been buying Hondas and Nissans for years. And after 5 or so years we buy another one. And then another one...
I have a German car that was manufactured before we joined the EU. I still run it. Many people are still running British cars that pre-date our entry. Morris and Land Rover spring to mind.
On 11 Jun 2016 at 6:02pm Mystic megabyte wrote:
What are you all getting het up about the referendum result is already a foregone conclusion and just a costly PR faux pas.

Check it out here »
On 11 Jun 2016 at 10:54pm Fred2016 wrote:
Germany scared of Brexit as they would have to pick up all our financial contributions and their people will then go for an extreme government. So if we had the facts on positives of staying in or leaving UK voters would be better placed to make an informed decision. Our politicians have little interest in looking after the ordinary people of the U.K., so it continues...........

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