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Money Grabbing In Cyprus

On 18 Mar 2013 at 11:16pm the old mayor wrote:
So, Is our money really safe in European Banks any more. That has always been the trouble with Governments - they all have a habit of changing the rules to suit themselves!! What does the panel think ?
On 19 Mar 2013 at 12:44am expat two wrote:
Despite assurances to the contrary there's a high likelihood that the govt will be raiding your savings for the funds it needs. As you say, govt. have quite a habit of telling us one thing and then changing their minds. Had you asked the Cypriot govt. 6 months ago, their assurances would have been no less convincing than William Vague's. I bet his savings aren't in a UK bank.

On 19 Mar 2013 at 7:50am Deelite wrote:
A very dangerous precedent. Next time a European economy wobbles there is likely to be a run on its banks. Pretty scary when money is worth nothing and none of us make or grow anything.
On 19 Mar 2013 at 9:10am grafter wrote:
it hasn't gone through yet. The Russian criminals who keep their money there might not be as easy going as the average cypriot. If I was one of the bankers responsible I'd be looking for protection.
On 19 Mar 2013 at 11:10am Nixon Scraypes wrote:
Because all money is created by private banks as an interest bearing loan they can demand as much of it back as they want anytime they want. It will happen here when the time comes as long as we use money borrowed from the bankers. The" Bradbury Pound" was a government created unit of currency used during the First World War when the banks were running out of money. There is no reason why we could not use a similar system now.No reason apart from the fact that all the political parties are owned by the bankers.There is no point in voting for anyone who will not support a national currency created as credit by the government.Without that they are not their own masters and must go cap in hand to the bankers for all the cash they need.
On 19 Mar 2013 at 11:17am Old Cynic wrote:
Its a very specific set of circumstances that has brought this about and it is unlikely such steps would need to be taken anywhere else in Europe. And of course it only relates to half of Cyprus.
On 19 Mar 2013 at 12:05pm Nevil Rook wrote:
The" Bradbury Pound" was a government created unit of currency used during the First World War when the banks were running out of money. There is no reason why we could not use a similar system now.
Sounds good to me !
On 19 Mar 2013 at 7:49pm Metatron wrote:
Buy Gold, paper isnt worth the paper its printed on.
Who's next Italy spain Greece?
I they get away with it its time for a war.
Ukip is looking better everday.

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