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Middle age

On 23 Aug 2014 at 11:40am Slightly Disappointed wrote:
Bloody hell. I had a look at growing paunch this morning and realised the time had come to do some exercise. I got on my exercise bike and turned the telly over the 80s power ballads ( Hey there isn`t a great choice you know )
Anyway in between short bursts of Bon Jovi and Celine Dion I was subjected to non stop adverts for mail order shaping dresses with figure flattering steel panels, for women so ugly they dare not leave the home .
Yeeesh, has it come to this ? Truly the apocalypse is here and now !
On 23 Aug 2014 at 2:20pm Pale Rider wrote:
not much meat on me M8
On 23 Aug 2014 at 7:31pm trooper wrote:
"SD" Please define midldle aged. I assume that as you refer to a paunch you are male, how did you get said paunch in the first place?? Look to your diet first before resorting to the bike, and if you must there is a better choice of excercise music further back than the 80s I do not understand your ref to adverts what adverts???,all you need is music NOT vision.Your answer is diet and excercise discipline,it really does work.try power walking.
On 25 Aug 2014 at 9:45am Highly disappointed wrote:
I didn't need to look at my diet or exercise in my youth. I was just slim and fit without trying. Hit 50 and all of a sudden I'm a slob.
On 25 Aug 2014 at 12:24pm trooper wrote:
"HD" I see we have moved from slightly to highly, I presume all your efforts have been in vain ?? Why you assume that when you get to age 50 you become a slob I really cannot understand,I will concede that as one gets older it is not easy to keep in shape,but you really do have to work at it. I would suggest you consult a fitness trainer for a program of excercises.
I am a great deal older than you but I still carry out my daily routine not allways I admit with a joyful heart, but the results are worth it. I sincerely wish you good luck in your endeavours.

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