On 6 Nov 2014 at 8:25am the kronic wrote:
Following last night's disgusting over reaction to Waterloo and CS's tableau, i hope every member of every society rallies together as one to support those involved and to go from strength to strength.
As for the Person/people who complained, may you hang your head in shame.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 9:04am CU Jimmy wrote:
Ye`ll never get us to be quiet - we have PC. .H+Safety. .The Old Bill . and Social media . All going to help grind ye down . The dripping water wears the stone !
On 6 Nov 2014 at 9:13am somewhat disgusted wrote:
the over reaction came from within bonfire, CSBS a some what more mature & older society did the the honourable thing, they got on with it and blew up their tab, Waterloo, having up till now had a successful 50th anniversary showed they have not yet grasped the traditions of bonfire, I just hope we do not have 6 tabs next year of giant red & white mice. squeek squeek
On 6 Nov 2014 at 9:14am the kronic wrote:
And we have Hadrians wall. Let's rebuild it, plug it in to the national grid and send the sweaties home.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 9:21am Depressed Gardener wrote:
politician effigies get blown up every year. What makes Salmond a special case......blow it up now!
On 6 Nov 2014 at 9:45am Allister McDowell wrote:
The Salmond effigy wasn't being burned for political reasons it was clearly an attack on Scottishness otherwise why include the kilt, nessie, tartan and other symbols that represent Scotland.
For your information Hadrians wall is not the border. Over a million English people live north of it. However I'm quite sure they would agree with your proposal to rebuild it ... around Lewes, which I'm equally as sure it's residents would welcome.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 9:48am Debs wrote:
Poor wee Nessie - should have been Nicola Sturgeon alongside Salmond instead! It's a shame that it didn't go ahead. I've never been to Lewes but I've gained an insight over the past couple of days as to what the festival is all about. Salmond has always had ideas above his station and would have been good to see his effigy go up in flames. I not that surprised that there was a backlash from the '45'. Please remember good people of Lewes..the majority of Scots voted No and not, as the '45' like to think, because people 'chickened out' - a total insult. Hope you have a more trouble-free bonfire next year. From a Scot who is proud to be British.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 9:49am Depressed Gardener wrote:
hello Allister. do you live in Lewes? If yes,why?
On 6 Nov 2014 at 10:00am Musher wrote:
It's called "caricature" Allister, look it up.
Mr Salmond is a Scottish Nationalist so symbols of Scotland were included in the tableau, otherwise people would have said "Who is that ugly little man in a suit?"
If we had blown up a British Nationalist I expect that bulldogs, doctor martin boots and skinhead haircuts would have featured regardless of whether or not the subject had ever owned a dog or had a buzzcut.
Do you understand now?
On 6 Nov 2014 at 12:08pm somewhat disgusted wrote:
my (english) uncle was an edinburgh city councillor for a good number of years, I have family in scotland, I am proud of them and also glad that scotland remained in the union, even more proud that a referendum was held that gave you and you alone the choice. that does not however get away from basic fact, his inclusion as a main tab subject by two societies was unusual, more so that putin was also selcted by two societies, neiither of the salmond tabs were ridiculing him, indeed his actions as first minister are applauded by many, in lewes, heros and villains are equally dispatched, probally all the primeministers of the uk have been blown up at least once, salmond was following a long line of illustrious people One important point, the tab team of all the societies select the subject and build the tab in total secrecy, we members, committee, elected officicials and rank and file only find out what the tab is in the afternoon of the fifth, and at the end of the day, the veiws of the public, hopefully complementary are not as important as the veiws of the members, after all it is their money involved in it, tabs are remembered for the wit, the quality, the very large bang it better make and public reation, this tab is now in bonfire history, it has had the biggest reaction ever and a society has been seen to sadly buckle under & momentarily loose its way. luckily at just 50 years old this year they can be excused, had one of the senior societies buckled in this manner it would not have bourne thinking aboout.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 3:36pm belladonna wrote:
I'm a Scot. I live in Lewes. I supported independence. I'm a member of CSBS. I'm not offended.
Get a grip Scots Nats. It's not racist. Stop being silly and reactionary and read up about the history and cultural traditions of the town before you jump to conclusions.
I'm not sure why Alex Salmond was chosen cos to me he's a bit of minor player now and hardly an enemy of the people, but I suspect its more to do with the notion that his campaign for independence nearly broke up the union. So although Waterloo said otherwise, it is political.
Vladimir Putin was also blown up - is that racist as well ? What about Obama, Cameron, Merkel, Blair, Assad, - well the list is long, but Salmond finds himself at the top table of effigies - and in good or dubious company (whatever your political perspective).
Read up about Lewes bonfire and find the true history of the town and its cultural tradition. You might find you quite like this small haven of radicalism and liberalism and free speech in a sea of Tories. (Funny how the Scots Nats used to be known as the Tartan Tories - forgotten that ? And how Salmond enabled that awful idiot American businessman Donald Trump) to intimidate locals and build a golf course on a unique stretch of beautiful coastline??)
To me bonfire is all about remembering and protecting freedom of speech, thought, religion and the principles of democracy itself. Bonfire is about the people of the town reclaiming the streets for themselves.
I bet Alex Salmond will love the attention. It's a bit like all those satirical Spitting Image puppets that the politicians featured all wanted to buy.
By the way - is burning a Viking long boat at Up Helly Aa in the Shetlands racist to Norwegians ? or that fact that only men march, sexist ?
On 6 Nov 2014 at 3:48pm Adrian wrote:
Hello, Does anyone know where Waterloo's effigy of Alex Salmond is now? If so, please email [email protected] or call 01273 544518 in confidence.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 4:37pm Claire Duc wrote:
Well said Musher & Belladonna.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 5:05pm the kronic wrote:
Adrian Imms....Do us a favour and Łu*k off back to the pond you just crawled out from. Vile parasite.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 5:43pm Adrian wrote:
I'm just gathering the facts, thanks. You all have my full name and phone number above if there is anything to add. Best regards, Adrian
On 6 Nov 2014 at 6:01pm Fact wrote:
Here are some facts, Adrian. It's a TABLEAU, not an effigy. And tableaux are blown up, not burned.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 6:10pm lewes born and bred wrote:
Ahhh the Argus. The paper that never lets the truth get in the way of a good story. A totally disgusting rag that's only fit to wipe your ar$e on
On 6 Nov 2014 at 9:01pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Adrian, go and do some proper journalism, instead of just browsing t'interweb and asking daft questions to see what people are talking about.
Fellow Lewes resident Nick Davies may be able to give you some tips on how to find stuff out.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 11:42pm Local wrote:
And while you're learning the basics of your miserable trade, try using google to correct the glaring and ignorant errors and oversights made in every tweet from outraged Sweaties to the original ESCC post. That would, I'm sorry to say, put you ahead of the BBC, based on their shameful feature on the lunchtime news today.