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Merry Christmas.

On 25 Dec 2019 at 7:45am Sussex Jim wrote:
Merry Christmas, everybody. Goodwill to all men and women; any a happy and prosperous new year to all.
On 25 Dec 2019 at 10:14am Sensible wrote:
The best way to ensure a prosperous 2020, to echo the comments above, is to continue to crush the terrorist-loving and British-hating Labour Party, bulldoze publicly-funded institutions that are mostly leeches on taxpayers, take back control of our borders and laws, and educate the public to uncover and erase leftists from our British schools, our British media, and all our neighbourhoods. We must also multiply our military to neutralise the threat of the promised European army. A very happy Christmas to you all.
On 25 Dec 2019 at 10:35am Hyena wrote:
A troll isn’t just for Christmas.
On 25 Dec 2019 at 11:14am Buzzard wrote:
Couldn't we give hatred and violent thoughts a miss even on Christmas Day?

A Happy and Peaceful Christmas to all.
On 25 Dec 2019 at 12:53pm Sensible wrote:
The default state of affairs with our European enemies is war, and we had better be prepared, once more, to commence its most destructive forms, and to be prepared to win, alone and without regret as we gloriously did in my family's past. We must also inculcate as perfect a loyalty to our purest traditions among our people as is possible, using every means. Without this, the British nation has no chance. We have won control. Now we use it.
On 25 Dec 2019 at 10:31pm pickle wrote:
@sensible, I bet it was a barrel of laughs in your house today!
On 26 Dec 2019 at 9:35am Sensible wrote:
As my father and grandfather before me demonstrated, I permanently and without exception remember obligations, debts, slights and offences. On these, I am known for taking life-long action. Being born by grace into my position, I require people seeking my support to earn it. I am successful and respected by my family and tenants. Duty and country, strictly above all else. Nothing is 'free'.
On 26 Dec 2019 at 10:26pm Tipex wrote:
War's glorious Sensible? Really?
On 27 Dec 2019 at 10:44am Buzzard wrote:
The Sensible character is clearly somebody's idea of a joke. It's just not very funny. Lighten up the spoof a bit, please.

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