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McDonald's garbage

On 9 Dec 2020 at 10:43am Ferret wrote:
Why don't the government force fast food sellers to imprint their packaging with some sort of identifiable code, or the card details, which can be linked back to the appalling riff-raff who litter the verges with their verges. I've notified LDC about 5 times in the last week using their app Report It (everyone should get it), and McDonald's packaging is the bulk of the litter. I wonder why?
On 9 Dec 2020 at 10:46am Ferret wrote:
Oops, brain freeze! It should be "litter the verges with their trash".
Has anyone reported the load of McDonald's garbage on the side of the Lewes to Ringmer road? I couldn't yesterday as I was driving.
On 9 Dec 2020 at 11:43pm Tom Pain wrote:
Loath as I am to agree with you, I must. I hate litter, especially plastic. I remember cold drinks coming in waxed cardboard containers, not ideal but preferable. The problem is that multinational companies get financed by wealth funds,often run by philanthropists to get the funds they are philanthropical with from unphilanthropical ventures. Never mind they get tax breaks from the governments they have donated to. This is why I'm against globalisation and even euroisation, it's too unaccountable. Another thing about Europe is the Napoleonic Code- guilty 'til you prove you're innocent. Unlike common law which is the reverse. Plenty of made up words and dreadful grammar for you there!
On 10 Dec 2020 at 8:59am Nevillman wrote:
Have I got this right Tom? The rubbish we see lying in verges is down to the decision to no longer have waxed cardboard drink cartons, multinational companies, wealth funds, philanthropists, governments who give tax breaks to donors, the lack of accountability in Europe and the Napoleonic code.
There was me thinking of was down to lazy, selfish people who couldn't be bothered to dispose of their rubbish considerately.
On 12 Dec 2020 at 12:27pm Tom Pain wrote:
You're quite right Nev, I just thought I'd expand a little on the subject. I have a friend who always picks up litter left by the thoughtless and doesn't waste energy virtuously lambasting them; a virtue I try to emulate with doubtful success.

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