Lewes Forum thread

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Mass exodus ?

On Sun 28 Apr at 11:34am The Old Mayor wrote:
Can't help thinking that there has been some hospitalisations, prison sentence's, gag orders, even bereavements maybe, or just a bus full of usual suspects deported maybe ! Fresh blood need methinks,
On Mon 29 Apr at 3:26pm Frank wrote:
Why the apostrophe in 'sentences' when you don't put one in your other plurals? Intrigued.
On Mon 29 Apr at 4:34pm Nevillman wrote:
I'm still here waiting for someone to say something interesting to respond to. Comments on people's use of apostrophes doesn't count Frank and like me I suspect the old mayor just leaves it up to the computer to decide where to put them, happy that what they said is intelligible whatever.
It may be that forums have had their day. There isn't even any debate on Lewes present anymore. It's a bit of a shame in my opinion as I have enjoyed taking part and it helps me get clear in my mind what I think at times. I suspect that anonymous is webbo himself trying to stimulate debate but failing.
Before you say anything Frank I am aware that the plural of forum is fora and I just don't care if you think my apostrophe's are in the wrong place.
On Tue 30 Apr at 8:09am The Old Mayor wrote:
Just to continue in true forum style hey Frank - Youre a pedantic pedant !
On Wed 1 May at 7:42pm Nevillman wrote:
It would be tempting to say that pedantry has lead to the decline of the forum but I don't think there was ever too much of it on this particular site and I think I recall some good comments from Frank in the past. Tom constantly ruining threads by changing the subject could be a pain and everyone allowed themselves to be diverted rather than just ignoring him.
Tom however kept going for longer than most to his credit. Maybe he has understood what green and me were saying and he has realised he was wrong. Well done Tom.
Say something someone.
Are we really having an election tomorrow just for the chief of police?
On Sat 4 May at 11:24am The Old Mayor wrote:
We certainly did have a semi election ! Just for a Police Commissioner, didn't bother myself ! Do you remember when she recruited that scally girl as her assistant in the beginning ? And why are they political anyway? Forgotten what a Police Person even looks like anyway !
On Wed 8 May at 7:26pm SHS-2 wrote:
Too busy working to write too busy working messages.

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