On 19 Jul 2006 at 10:03am Julie Thompson wrote:
A Market town health check is being carried out on Lewes. It offers people the chance to tell us what you like, hate, love about living in Lewes. The health check will lead to new project ideas for Lewes which can bring in new funding streams that the town is currently not benefiting from. Please fill in the questionnaire by clicking on the following link; we need you to tell us what Lewes needs!
On 19 Jul 2006 at 6:15pm Dick Puller wrote:
Can we have our market back, then?
On 19 Jul 2006 at 7:09pm SHS wrote:
Looks like more of the 'community participation' which is the government's euphemism for 'can you do our job for free please because we've wasted all the taxes we've collected off you'. Heard the govt want a huge expansion of the voluntary sector (plenty of EEC funding).
On 20 Jul 2006 at 8:52am I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Dear Julie, I'm amazed that those government decision makers aren't already aware of the basic information that the survey asks.
In the unlikely case that they're not aware then they should be sacked.
Instead of wasting valuable resources on another quango, why not put that money towards the flood defenses? ?? ???
ps i won't hold my breath for a reply...
On 20 Jul 2006 at 4:04pm Smiler wrote:
Lewes needs flood defences more than anything else
Its that simple, could you sort it out please.
On 20 Jul 2006 at 4:25pm TORY BOY wrote:
we did have a cattle market,now Tanners Brook.
We did have a sheep fair, now the Gallops
We did Live stock driven through The Cliffe,to the Market or onto Railway wagons in the Railway Sidings now Court Road/Railway Nature Reserve.
We did have a abortor at Ringmer so animals could be reared and killed locally without transport stress and export.Now thanks to government policy and planning we have lost the lot.Having a monthly saturday Farmers and a sunday car boot isn't why Lewes has Market towm status.
On 20 Jul 2006 at 7:29pm SHS wrote:
Comment of the century Tory Boy! Bring 'em all back I say. The current central & local govt are the biggest obstacles to a happy population and thriving economy. The only way we'll even get the Lewes-Uckfield railway will be if it's paid for and run by volunteers.
(P.S. The abattoirs were removed so that the govt could collect more taxes from more road use).
On 24 Jul 2006 at 10:30am Maddie wrote:
I went online and filled in that questionnaire, but I have to say, I didn't think it really scratched the surface of some really important issues. And giving people multiple choice questions doesn't really give them the opportunity to express their real concerns/opinions.
I do my best to support local traders, but aside from my recent necessary but unfortunate experience with one of the many estate agents in town, I can't see me regularly needing what the traders mainly offer - houses, expensive clothes, pricey interior wares, the odd card and extortionate, 'fair-trade' coffee. In order to regularly support local traders, what we need is good, locally sourced produce - Bills and Harveys are doing this to the best of their abilities but are they the only ones? And a convenicnce store that's open late wouldn't go amiss either... when I get back from work late and realise I've forgotten to pick milk up along the way, I'm buggered.
On 25 Jul 2006 at 8:55pm Smiler wrote:
Well I guess it takes your mind off the milk.
On 30 Jul 2006 at 1:45am lopster wrote:
all of the above - BUT what on earth is Southdowns Council/services? - another local quango costing me a fortune I suppose, certainly don't advertise themselves very well (or their "services")
On 2 Aug 2006 at 1:57pm Julie wrote:
Thank you for all your responses to the Market Town Health check and glad we all have plenty of opinions! Southdowns CVS is a voluntary organisation owned and run by local groups to support, promote and develop local voluntary community action. CVS and other local infrastructure organisations support their members by providing them with a range of services and by acting as a voice for the local voluntary community sector. We are NOT part of the council or government sector and are working to support the people of the Lewes District area. At the moment Lewes is not benefiting from funding opportunities a market town health check can bring so Southdowns CVS is running this project to make sure Lewes town gets the best opportunities to apply for this extra funding.
The first stage of the health check has been completed which comprises a factual snapshot of the town right down to how many post boxes it has. From this we need community involvement and the public to tell us what it is like to live or work in Lewes, opinions change and we need to know current opinions about the town. Whilst a lot of knowledge is already known about Lewes town, surely it is still better to involve the public in this process which is what we are trying to do.
Thank you for submitting your opinions and suggestions all of which will be included in the health check and please keep them coming. Finally, please encourage everyone to fill this questionnaire in online or paper copies can be found in the CVS office next to the post office or Lewes town hall. If you want any further information just let me know.
On 2 Aug 2006 at 4:46pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Dear Julie,
It's so important for you to remain independent & I'm very glad to here that you are in no way connected to the council or one of those government sectors.
Blimey! You sure had us all fooled there.
Apologies for my comments regarding quangos.
Just one thing... How come your email address is [email protected]?
"GOV" not standing for government anymore?
Eternal skeptic is I...
On 2 Aug 2006 at 7:24pm Julie wrote:
Hi Phil,
I can understand where people are coming from and agree with alot of points people have raised and it is frustrating when you can't see what your money is paying for. Alot of people don't know about the southdowns CVS and we have to raise it's profile some more! The completion of this
project can enable us to tap into funding to specifically address issues which the public feel strongly about, it's an independent project run by the CVS in association with Lewes town partnership and we are encouraging local groups and associations to join and get involved. As for the email address...I used to work for the community safety dept at Lewes council but left to carry on my work at Southdowns CVS - however i've yet to get my southdowns email so I'm still having to use my old one! I'll be at the Farmer's market this Saturday with a stall if anyone wants to come down and throw some more suggestions into the boiling pot!
On 3 Aug 2006 at 12:11am Chav wrote:
What I really need to know Julie is...are you a chick? If so I'll be your farmer.Mind you, you do know how to waffle.
On 3 Aug 2006 at 12:57pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Dear Julie,
In answer to your post...
Never heard of the Southdown's CVS (is CVS a euphemism for ChaVS?).
Congratulations! It must be a relief for you to leave the hierarchical council regime of stifled minds. Perhaps distance yourself yet further by losing the ".gov" ASAP and replace it with a Gmail address?
Confess that as black is to white & north is to south, myself and councils often seem to oppose...
Presently "Retired of Seaford" understand that I'm allowed just the one monthly excursion to Lewes... However, I'll also be at the Farmers Market this Saturday. I'm easily recognisable as the confused little old bloke with a zimmer.
I'll also have "Nursey" in tow.
Happy to throw whatever you want into your boiling pot... so long as it isn't me pork sausages, organic chicken or yummy bread and cheese straws.
Best regards,
PhilX (I Don't Live in Lewes Anymore)
ps. bugger off chav
On 9 Aug 2006 at 2:54pm Julie wrote:
Hi Phil,
Did I see you at the Market?? Have provisionally changed the email address so more user friendly!
On 9 Aug 2006 at 6:29pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
No you didn't see me at the market Ma'am but I saw you... and very beautiful you looked to (the bloke with you needs a haircut IMHO lol).
I arrived at the market early and by the time I left (woggley leg on zimmer + car park ticket running out) you were only just setting up your stall outside of Forfars.
Sorries for not saying hello but you looked as if you had enough on your plate without my input.
Promise that if you're there next time I will surely say "Hi!"
Your new e-mail addy is excellent.
Well done you.
Go to the top of the class... for now...
Best Regards,
On 15 Aug 2006 at 4:25pm Julie wrote:
Cheers Phil! Will see you at the next one in that case. I hope you've filled in your questionnaire.........
On 15 Aug 2006 at 5:43pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Well... Slap my Thighs.
Bejaysus Julie...
What kinda guy do you take me for?
... And yes, I look forward to seeing you at the next Farmers Market.
On 19 Aug 2006 at 10:33pm f wrote:
On 5 Sep 2006 at 3:43am Helga wrote:
Nice site !
On 5 Sep 2006 at 12:13pm Helga wrote:
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On 8 Sep 2006 at 12:44am Helga wrote:
cool site
On 20 Oct 2006 at 11:19am Nike wrote:
Cool Guest Book.
On 28 Oct 2006 at 6:04pm nike wrote:
Cool Guest.
On 19 Nov 2006 at 6:31am oklahoma wrote:
On 1 Dec 2006 at 10:57am CEE PEECHI wrote:
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