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Malling school parking

On 7 Sep 2017 at 3:00pm Citizen wrote:
I see parents are blatantly ignoring the new double yellow lines around the top of Barn Road and are parking on the pavement. I will be taking photos and reporting accordingly.
Perhaps some of the parking men/ladies would like to come up in the morning and issue a few tickets???
On 7 Sep 2017 at 4:05pm The People wrote:
There is no effective penalty for people making like this. Its illegal but the authorities are not interested in issuing fines etc.
On 7 Sep 2017 at 4:26pm shabba wrote:
if we can't rely on our local parking wardens to come and fine people what has the world come to!
I propose we all get on with our lives and ignore this huge issue.
On 7 Sep 2017 at 4:50pm @Shabba wrote:
Yes let's get on with our lives and ignore this huge issue.
It's far from huge though, it's a very minor problem that shouldn't be given 1 minutes thought. It's doesn't affect anyone other than being an annoyance and no real harm is done anyway.
Come to think of it, that applies to a lot of things, weed, beggars, littering, speeding, shop lifting, vandalism of public property, parking on double yellows, the list goes on.
All relatively minor crimes where the victims have no face.
One question, who decides which issues are ignored and which aren't?
On 7 Sep 2017 at 4:58pm jane wrote:
sorry if I have up set you by parking on double yellow line .
I don't give a sh#t need to get home to watch the tv
On 7 Sep 2017 at 5:03pm shabba wrote:
Me, I just told you we were ignoring this one.
On 7 Sep 2017 at 5:37pm Lord J wrote:
Shabba the hut...too fat to walk so needs to park right outside the school. Lard arses the lot of them with one or two exceptions (one lovely svelte lady comes to mind)
On 7 Sep 2017 at 6:08pm Shabba dabba doo wrote:
Living in the stone age.
On 7 Sep 2017 at 7:30pm Driver wrote:
This area is outside the jurisdiction of the Lewes parking gestapo; so they cannot issue any profitable tickets. Parking on double yellow lines is a matter for the Police. Unless the lard arse is registered disabled and displays a valid blue badge. Even then, they should not park as to cause an obstruction.
On 7 Sep 2017 at 7:36pm Malling7 wrote:
Double yellow lines are there for a reason. For ambulances and fire engines to safely get past etc. I agree, not for lard arse mums with no jobs who arrive an hour before the school day finishes just so they can secure their spot on the double yellows.
On 7 Sep 2017 at 7:57pm Suet cheeks wrote:
As a lard arse dad I demand recognition for my inappropriate parking
On 8 Sep 2017 at 5:05pm Parent wrote:
All schools need to cater for parents picking up or dropping off kids. Making it illegal but not enforcing it at school start and stop times is a good and very British approach. It means it can work for parents but people can't park there normally. Start enforcing at school pick up times and the whole strategy fails.

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