On 9 Feb 2016 at 10:18am Friday wrote:
I dont think you can excuse the working class people parking wrongly as they have to hurry to work, we all have to follow the rules.
On 9 Feb 2016 at 10:55am Robinson Crusoe wrote:
Well said Friday. They should know their place.
On 9 Feb 2016 at 10:58am Hester wrote:
@schoolrunmum from previous thread
your children are going to grow with the same disregard and lack of respect that you have for other people.
On 9 Feb 2016 at 11:03am She knows you know wrote:
Hester, you're a star ( according to Google)
On 9 Feb 2016 at 12:15pm Decent Mother wrote:
South Malling School is where scum take their offspring
What do you expect
We don't have this anti social behaviour at Southover for heavens sake !!!
On 9 Feb 2016 at 1:42pm Tipex wrote:
"Decent Mother" - are you sure you are?
On 9 Feb 2016 at 1:59pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
When people were parking on the verges in Bell Lane, the council came and put bollards up to stop them doing it. Maybe Malling residents should campaign for them to do the same in Barn Road?
Of course, in Bell Lane it didn't really work, because idiots just parked dangerously in the road, so about a year later the council got the street included in the CPZ and put double yellow lines along it.
On 9 Feb 2016 at 2:10pm Local wrote:
Decent mother so you are saying that only scum attend South Malling School. What are you basing this statement on? My partner and I work full time and our daughter attends South Malling School. The reason she attend The School in the Ofsted report is Good, as is Southover, the School has Breakfast and After School Club. What the parents behaviour is out side the school, is about parking i.e. the lack of available parking available. The same issue with dropping and picking up children is the same at other schools like Wallands and the Private School in Lewes.
On 9 Feb 2016 at 2:23pm A Person wrote:
Bell Lane is a busy road at peak times with traffic travelling at some speed, so ensuring that vehicles can pass each other on opposite sides of the road is a safety issue. Barn Road isn't the same, although it's clearly a big problem.
Decent Mother: as someone who lives very close to Southover and Western Road schools, let's just say that quite a lot of the parking is pretty anti-social too! Quite why it's essential to park almost at the school gates (rather than legally in St Pancras Gardens without obstructing anyone) I'm not sure. Two minutes walk? Good gracious no: why buy a 4x4 if I can't park it right outside the school!
On 9 Feb 2016 at 2:28pm Malling wrote:
Decent Mother is clearly unaware that she not. I hope her kids work hard at school so they can leave home asap.
On 9 Feb 2016 at 2:39pm Council Person wrote:
The lane is being re named Bell - End Lane due to the behavior there.
On 10 Feb 2016 at 8:20am safety wrote:
So parking on the verges and destroying them may not be the most important thing to complain about. But what if there was a house on fire? Someone having a heart attack? And the emergency services can't get through. Oh but it's ok because it's only for 5 minutes twice a day. Never mind a house can burn down in that time.
On 11 Feb 2016 at 4:39pm Annoyed wrote:
It's not just parents that park crazy around that area a lot of police park like absolute idiots all around that area !
And not so decent mother, you my dear need to get your head out your rear and have a good look around as there is scum everywhere and I assume you are one!
On 16 Feb 2016 at 12:30am Another local wrote:
I think it's also a culture problem. Many of these kids get a lift to school when they could quite easily walk (many of them only live around the corner).
Also, if we're on the subject of destroying verges, what about the window cleaning van that parks up on barn road. It's utterly destroyed that verge.