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On 10 Jul 2009 at 4:55pm Cliff Dweller wrote:
Hi all,
My ma and pa might be looking to buy a house in the Spences Lane area - any advice? "Floodplain, hoodlums, lovely", etc welcome.
On 10 Jul 2009 at 5:58pm Agony Uncle wrote:
Floodplain = Oh yes - very much so, remember the ambulance up to its roof, abandoned...
Hoodlums = no different to the rest of the town - mostly passing through after a night on th eeuropean-fighting-lager...
Lovely? errh you ain't a millionmiles away, how long you been a Cliff(e(?)) dweller - take a walk down there
On 10 Jul 2009 at 6:25pm Cliff Dweller wrote:
Thanks AU, moved to Lewes last year and looks like parents are following us...

Had a look at prospective house today, was just wondering about a row of horrible looking garages, whether they are a haven for petrol snifters... though not too sure there are many dodgy types around these parts. Plus if anyone in Malling is happy/fed up with the distance to town, etc
On 10 Jul 2009 at 7:59pm Reality Check wrote:
Malling is a sh1t hole, though probably nicer than where you are from. If you are looking there then your budget suggests you're not going to end up anywhere decent. No offence meant, just the truth. More than you'll get from most of the self righteous knobs that post here.
On 10 Jul 2009 at 9:43pm Mark wrote:
Great place to live get real Reality Check!!!!!!!!!!1
On 11 Jul 2009 at 9:29am Cliff Dweller wrote:
Cheers Reality, always appreciate a bit of honesty.

Though do you really think it's a true sh1thole, or just in comparison with the rest of the town? Don't really want my mum and dad moving from one dive to another. I didn't really think there were any sh1tholes in Lewes.

Doesn't seem too bad to me when I have a look round.
On 11 Jul 2009 at 10:15am huw wrote:
I lived in Spences lane for most of my life and have no complaints.
I think Reality Check probably hasn't visit much of Lewes outside of Bills.
Spences Lane and Field were populated ny families of the emergency services and prison officers. Although this is not so much the case now, there are a good mix of young and old couples, families etc and everyone seems to be friendly when I go back to visit friends and family who are still there.
You can't get much closer to Tescos and the pedestrian precinct without living in the Cliffe, where you have to put up with the noise of deliveries and shoppers and late night drunks.
As for flooding, hopefully you can buy on the side of the road where houses are higher up, not so bad there, although did get a little soggy to say the least.
Also, you're right at the foot of the Downs if you fancy a walk.
Hopefully of use tto you Cliff Dweller
On 11 Jul 2009 at 11:12am Cliff Dweller wrote:
Cheers Huw

By the way, I didn't think much of the tug-of-war practice in the Ellie's last night... what was that all about?!?
On 11 Jul 2009 at 2:14pm huw wrote:
Silly boys.
Don't know why they do it, but with the Rainbow closed you get some odd sorts floating round town.
There were a few in who seemed to be the trouble makers, I've not seen them in ours for a long time, hopefully they'll have the sense not to try to get in again.
Others that I know have been told I want a word with them.
On 11 Jul 2009 at 2:42pm Cliff Dweller wrote:
Ah, the joys of landlordship. Best pub in Lewes tho! Cheers for the advice.
On 13 Jul 2009 at 3:53pm Ed Can Do wrote:
We live in Spences Field at the moment and it's very nice. Being a cul-de-sac, there's very little traffic and it's not really the route home of choice for many drunkards (Except for us, of course). Spences Lane did flood pretty badly and if you don't get a house with parking you'll probably end up walking a bit in from the car.

It takes under ten minutes to walk into town at a casual stroll and walking is often quicker than driving, given how hard it is to pull out of Orchard Road. There are quite a few junkies and alcoholics living in the road but they're the friendly types and you'd never get any problems from any of them. You also get a few chavs hanging around the football club under the bridge of a friday night but they're generally pretty quiet and wouldn't bother anyone.

Bear in mind though that whilst it seems nice and quiet now, there is going to be a lot of noisy development once Styles gets working on Malling Brooks and all those nice trees behind the Esso end of Spences Lane are going to be replaced by industrial units and a car park.

I think Reality Check might be a little out of touch with Lewes house prices though as the larger houses in Spences Lane and Field are going for about the same as a terraced house in Wallands. It's certainly not a cheap part of town any more, if it ever really was.

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