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Magistrates Court Site

On 29 Mar 2013 at 1:23pm realist wrote:
I hope that some of our regular correspondents all visited the exibition at the court building yesterday. The developers of the proposed shops and hotel have obviously dragged the architect of the Clifford Dann building in Albion Street out of retirement! They are hoping to get away with building a featurless flat-roofed box by nailing a few slates to one end and a few planks to the other - it is truly horrific! If our planners let them get away with this, God help us once we start on the Bus Station/Waitrose/Wenban Smith site and, of course, Phoenix.
On 29 Mar 2013 at 1:56pm Judge Mental wrote:
Realist, you seem to be confused, "our planners" won't be letting them get away with anything. You, the rest of Lewes residents and the Lib Dems gave away our power to do anything in deciding our own planning fate when they gave the power to SDNP. 1 elected member that's all we have now! Do try and keep up!
On 29 Mar 2013 at 2:30pm realist wrote:
Thank you, your honour - you are right. Being old, I forget recent changes to our democratic planning process! It now means that we must lobby not just the LDC and LTC, but the SDNP as well. Whoever makes the decision, we must not allow the destruction of Lewes - remember County Hall, the Sussex Express building, and, of course, Clifford Dann.
On 29 Mar 2013 at 5:31pm Little boxes wrote:
SDNP do not automatically handle planning applications, most are handed straight back to LDC who do them on their behalf. Only certain applications are handled differently. A site like this might merit the upgraded version, but it is worth finding out.
If anyone has confidence in out planners, just take a tour of the town and look at the modern designs we are lumbered with ,and see how well they have faired over the last 5 years. It is embarrassing. Modern can be great, but we generally get mouldering spray render, shabby wood cladding , and wood painted to look like metal. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap.
The first thing to make planners and Councillors realise, is that it is not modern that people dislike, it is the low calibre of modern that keeps being approved.
On 29 Mar 2013 at 10:33pm the old mayor wrote:
I think you will find that is just a sign of the times we live in. Georgian houses fairly poorly built, but looked good. Victorian ones much more substantial and ostentatious, 1920's not so good. Pre war houses are very soundly built, while post war materials were hard to find for quite a while. Etc etc. What is more anything clad in Lead these days will be stolen before the builders get home !!
On 31 Mar 2013 at 5:45pm No Pot Pourri wrote:
It is worth bearing in mind that old buildings are self selecting, as nobody has chosen to demolish them.
I have seen loads of Victorian / Edwardian / Regency houses that have poor foundations, badly built walls, prohibitive to keep warm, huge maintenance, damp, dark and rotting.
Do people really think that because a building is new it is bad?
On 2 Apr 2013 at 3:31pm truth wrote:
what a load of sxhit
On 5 Apr 2013 at 8:20pm lewes resident wrote:
I like the look of the picture of the proposed plans in the sussex express. Looks really good. Excited tosee how this one develops. Will be good for lewes and looks much better than what is there currently.

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