On 28 Jun 2009 at 1:35am Keeley wrote:
If you had a ticket for Michael Jackson's upcoming concerts, would you get a refund as many people are doing or keep it as it may become memorabilia/a collector's item in a few yeasr time???
On 28 Jun 2009 at 2:40am Wilhelm wrote:
On 28 Jun 2009 at 3:29am expat two wrote:
I can see it now
"Ladies and Gentlemen, you are bidding for an unused ticket to see an over-exposed, over-indulged freak with appalling self image issues and alleged paedophile tendencies whom made a very succesful album and video in the 1980s. Only 50,000 are thought to exist...do I hear one thousand pounds?"
Go on, buy up as many as you can, its a copper-bottomed investment.
On 28 Jun 2009 at 9:31am Geoff wrote:
What a charming dilemma. How do I profit the most from someone's death?
Well putting my practical hat on, its a ticket for a concert that never happened, and even if 49,999 tickets are returned, and yours is the only one that isn't, it doesn't mean it will be the only one left, and worth millions, I expect the promoters will have the same thought, and keep them to resell at a later date as 'memorabilia' Memorabilia of what i don't know.
On 28 Jun 2009 at 10:38am Roly Mo wrote:
I wouldn't admit to having one.
On 28 Jun 2009 at 10:52am sceptic wrote:
I read somewhere that there is a chance of a 'hologram' performance.
An image of Jackson will be beamed onto a stage and all the backing singers and musicians will play and sing as normal.
Same thing happened to Elvis apparently.
Has it been confirmed that refunds will be given?
On 28 Jun 2009 at 11:58am Councillor Gardiner wrote:
As a professional engineer, and general oracle in all public matters, i can tell you that Lewes resicdents are wrong, and that planning officers have informed me that Michael Jackson is alive and well. the matter is closed.
On 28 Jun 2009 at 12:24pm Wacko Backo wrote:
I heard that MJ is working in the LDC planning department and his line manager is Mr Presley.
On 28 Jun 2009 at 3:18pm Conrad Murray wrote:
Michael Jackson has set a new world record = the longest suicide in the history of pop
On 28 Jun 2009 at 4:01pm DevilsAdvocate wrote:
If you had a Lewes Pound, would you spend it or keep it in the hope that one day it'll be worth something?
Just askin'!
On 28 Jun 2009 at 4:10pm Roly Mo wrote:
Ooh, I hope MJ is working for LDC. Then you can blame everything on the boogie, instead of the planning department.
Incidentally though, he is more likely to work for ESCC cos thats where all the weirdos work - he would never get found out, have you seen what they look like up there?
On 28 Jun 2009 at 4:25pm Keeley wrote:
Geoff - I don't have a ticket. I was merely curious as I have had heard this argument going on since his unfortunate death. RIP MJ
On 30 Jun 2009 at 8:05pm Agony Aunt wrote:
Apparently people paid anything between £50 and 800 for a ticket. Even if I paid 50, I would be asking for a refund.
Alternatively, if you still wish to experience the presence of MJ, here is a guide for conducting your own sance,
1. Assemble the participants. Gather the people who will participate. Some say the number of participants must be divisible by three. But this does not seem to be an absolute rule. No fewer than three people should attempt a sance.
2. Choose a medium. You might want to choose a medium among the participants. This could be a person who has had experience with sances or someone who tends to have psychic abilities. Marina Pepper would appear to be the obvious starting point.
3. Use a round or oval table. This helps create the symbolic circle believed necessary for the ritual. The cheapest place to obtain a round table is Furniture Now or you could use the tables avilable in a local hostelry
4. Set the table. In the center of the table, place some kind of simple, natural aromatic food, such as bread or soup. This is believed to help attract the spirits who still seek physical nourishment. Waitrose display a variety of fresh soups and fresh bread
5. Light candles. Also in the center of the table, place no fewer than three candles (or a number divisible by three) lit candles; the more candles, the better. Spirits still seek warmth and light. Scented candles available from Wickle or Aunt May's.
6. Create some atmosphere. Dim the lights and eliminate any distractions, such as music and television.
7. Join hands. Seated around the table, the participants must all join hands in a circle. In light of the current Swine Flu fears, alcohol rubs should be made available to prevent cross infection
8. Summon the spirit. The participants must speak these words together: "Our beloved Michael (or other chosen spirit), we bring you gifts from life into death. Commune with us (name of spirit) and move among us."
9. Wait for a response. If none comes, repeat the chant until the spirit responds.
10. Communicate. If and when the spirit responds -- either by rapping or some other means, or through the medium - ask your questions. If you are summoning MJ you may have to moon walk or body pop in addition to rapping
11. Begin simply. Ask yes and no questions at first -- one rap for no, two raps for yes, for example.
12. Communicate directly. If a spirit chooses to speak through the medium, you may ask any kind of question.
13. Maintain control. If the sance seems to be getting out of hand, end the sance by breaking the circle of hands, extinguishing the candles and turning on the lights.
14. End the sance. When you're done with your questioning, thank the spirit for joining you and tell them to go in peace. Break the circle of hands and extinguish the candles. Then post your findings on here.
On 1 Jul 2009 at 7:03pm Keeley wrote:
On 1 Jul 2009 at 8:45pm bonfirek wrote:
Wow, just like Most Haunted! Not that i watch that terrible program, ahem!
On 2 Jul 2009 at 10:50am Tosh Wotaloadof wrote:
Oh my God the heat's getting to some people
If this works why don't The LAPD do this to ask Michael what happened.
On 2 Jul 2009 at 1:11pm Not So Gullible wrote:
Ahem, think anyone can see that Agony Aunts tongue was firmly in her cheek, and the above post was not meant to be taken seriously ! I thought it was quite amusing.
On 2 Jul 2009 at 1:26pm Lets Do Lunch! wrote:
The post can only be considered to be in bad taste