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Lottery Grants

On 27 Nov 2008 at 9:52pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
A thought occurred to me today whilst skipping down St Andrew's Lane.... lottery grants are given for the most silly reasons.
Why? Recent grant awarded to take down a fence around the Priory remains so that those who have a vested interest in the Priory may pat each other on the back whilst claiming to be improving access (and vandalism) to the Priory remains.
I can think of other causes that urgently need money thrown at them. Look at the pavements in the centre of town - St Andrews Lane has loose bricks (admittedly they make a lovely clanky noise as one skips over them), Station Street is blooming awful (pot-holed, camber leans towards the road), St Nicholas Lane has been vandalised by excessively large vehicles, Walwers Lane has drains emptying out directly onto it (blame the creation of stupid large building) - all of these pavements need immediate repair, particularly as they are in the centre of the town - many people would benefit from this.
ESCC are whinge on about not having enough money - so why don't they apply for a lottery grant?
On 28 Nov 2008 at 5:26pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Maintaining pavements is a statutory duty and I don't think lottery grants are available for stuff that is a statutory duty.
Imo the loose bricks in St Andrews Lane are bloody dangerous.
On 3 Dec 2008 at 10:12pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
So how do the Highways wriggle out of their statutory duties?
The pavements have been awful for many many years

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