On 30 Aug 2011 at 1:11am Rachel wrote:
Greetings all residents of Lewes!
I'm looking to move and join you all with a contributive and community spirit. I've begun my search on the internet with the usual websites, but thought it may be worth sending word out through this forum too.
I am currently a welfare funded tenant but I can provide good references and a guarantor. I home educate my four children and garden growing space is a must! We're hoping to move early this autumn all going well.
Thanks for reading.
Best wishes
On 30 Aug 2011 at 1:15am Rachel wrote:
Is there a group of home educators in Lewes please? I have four children and we're looking into the possibility of moving into the area. A good network of other home edders will be essential for us. I'll be pleased to contribute my skills to group activities and community events.
Best wishes,
On 30 Aug 2011 at 4:44pm mr hand out wrote:
brighton sounds the place for you .
On 30 Aug 2011 at 9:21pm Ken wrote:
Anything else you'd like, Rachel? As we'll be paying your rent for you perhaps you'd like us to give you a car and a holiday cottage in the Dordogne so you can rest from your labours.
On 30 Aug 2011 at 9:29pm David wrote:
Try Lewes New School, the next best thing to home education. But if you are on on benefits with no provider but the state for four (4??) children then you might want to look at scolarships. Not too sure if Lewes New School charity extends to these.
On 31 Aug 2011 at 10:26am Ed Can Do wrote:
Lewes New School do indeed offer a couple of bursaries a year to people who wish to educate their kids in that manner but who are unable to afford the fees. If memory serves you need to put in some of the fees yourself though, it's not a 100% deal but it's been a few years since I last had anything to do with it so times might have changed.
I'd quite like a three bedroom house with a big garden too but sadly I have no children so the government expect me to pay for my own accomodation, meaning that until I can persuade the missus to squeeze a couple out I am destined to continue living hand to mouth to afford the bedsit we currently inhabit.
On 31 Aug 2011 at 12:42pm Mr Forks wrote:
Stop being nasty people otherwise you may upset any passing cyclists!!
On 31 Aug 2011 at 8:46pm Son of Pedant wrote:
Accommodation has two ms.
On 31 Aug 2011 at 9:08pm Brixtonbelle wrote:
Have you thought about trying some of the very good state schools in Lewes ? Average rent for a three-bed house in Lewes with decent garden is about £1500 a month. if you are on benefits I doubt you could afford the New School and if you're in work you might not have much time for home education once you've worked enough to pay the rent. It's not a cheap place to live....
On 1 Sep 2011 at 12:48am AYATOLLAH HOGMANNY wrote:
Its nice to hear shes now more interested in bedding plants instead of bedding men after 4 children, for all hard working tax payers to keep. I can let you have some nice plants when you move in, dear!!!!
On 4 Sep 2011 at 8:17am Aden Uff wrote:
Home education is an interesting concept in that the biggest impact on a child's education comes from the home. If you have a home where no one works, children might get the idea that there is no need to work hard at school. Why bother? Look at your mum; she doesn't work and lives in a nice 3 bedroom house with a large garden and some other mugs pay for it.
On 9 Sep 2011 at 11:38am Amazed wrote:
Dear Rachel,
FEAR NOT Lewes is not filled with only nasty people, it just seems you have found a forum full of very limited people who may have done well if they too had some education outside the system. I have never heard such playground ignorant bullying from seemingly intelligent folk. I recommend you leave this forum far behind. Nobody knows anothers circumstances, so to Judge only shows how limited and constricted they are. Being that bias must make life feel very tight, that's probably why they are so angry, and begrudging.
Devoted mothers who are willing to give their all for their children need to be celebrated. To honor the role of the mother in our society, and realise that supporting mothers to MOTHER is pivotal to social change. The idea that any mother of four, single or not should work, is deeply ignorant. Lets celebrate and support Mothers who do their best and devote their lives to their children regardless of the fathers shortcomings. Keep going Rachel. There is a lovely home schooling group in Lewes that meets on thursday mornings, and a wonderful group of people who are much more creative and constructive with their energies. Blessed be the mothers. Lots of love to you and your children. This will be my only contribution to this forum. I hope the above sour mouthed people have the decency to reflect and consider if there is any benefit to shallow prejudice and bullying. Perhaps they'd like to see non conformists burned or beheaded! One life, we are all one.
On 22 Nov 2015 at 9:45pm Shocked wrote:
HI Rachel - I just came across this forum after googling Homeschooling Lewes and saw what many of the people have written in response to your genuine question. I wanted to move to Lewes - but I feel less keen now - Brighton is far less bigoted, I recommend you try Brighton. So sad that people are so bitter and full of resentment and anger. I agree - keep going - being a mother is a privilege and if you have the spirit and energy to care for your four children at home then hat off to you - ignore these seemingly Tory bigots !!
On 25 May 2017 at 8:26pm Florence Andrews wrote:
I'm so sorry you got so much horrendous and judgemental abuse on this post! And I thought lewes was a fairly liberal thinking town. In fact we were thinking of moving there from London with our daughter but seeing what kind of people live there on here has really put me off. Wow.