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Look for a job

On 18 Feb 2005 at 11:13am Hajnalka Kövesdi wrote:
Dear People!
I want to work in Lewes, but I don't know how can I find the job.Please recommend me or Vagancy or everybody who can help me!
Thank you very mutch!
Have a nice day!
On 18 Feb 2005 at 2:03pm The Reverend wrote:
it depends on what sort of job you would like? there is a job centre in lewes which is down mountfield road... or there are a couple of agencies here and there. there is one down market street i think...
hope this helps
On 7 Aug 2005 at 5:37am florida bte madili wrote:
i find a job at sandakan, sabah. post of general clerk

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