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Local, experienced babysitter available!

On 3 Jun 2014 at 3:44pm Abigail Proctor wrote:
Hello all,
I am an experienced, friendly, local babysitter aged 19. I would be available to baby sit any night or in the day, and would also be more than happy to meet with any family before I baby sit their children.
On 3 Jun 2014 at 3:46pm Abigail Proctor wrote:
If you are interested please call or text me on 07894077546!
On 3 Jun 2014 at 9:01pm Cautious Dad wrote:
If you are seriously thinking about being a babysitter you should be in possession of a DBS/CRB check certificate first.
Any parent that doesn't ask for at least this would be very foolish indeed.
Sorry to be a damp squib but the world is a sorry place nowadays and although you may have the best intentions, some don't!
On 3 Jun 2014 at 10:27pm lewesplumber wrote:
Cautious Dad, are you sure you are not the fool?
Would you trust the Government to ensure someone is safe to be with your kids. I wouldn't CRB checks only check if the person has a criminal record or is on the sex offenders list. How many teenagers would this include? Oh, and Foreign kids would be clean anyway.
I would not request a CRB, just talk to Abigail and get references. Honestly, when Lewes residents request a CRB then it is time for a new hair saloon.
On 3 Jun 2014 at 11:39pm Historian wrote:
CRB or DBS certificates as they are now known, are not like a driving licence that you have for ever. You need one for every single employer, they are not transferable from employer to employer. If you have 3 partime empoyers, you need 3 DBS checks. There is no guarantee that the one you had at your last employer is still 'clean' apart from the fact they cost about £60 quid a throw, it's a new form of tax enforced upon an already poorly paid sector of the work force. Sometimes the employer will pay, sometimes they won't. Agencies more than likely won't. They work on the principle that everyone is going to take advantage of the vulnerable people and children in society. A sad accusation of today's workforce.
On 4 Jun 2014 at 9:41am Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
Hi Abigail. Over the years I have used maybe 12 or more babysitters. I never asked them for a CRB, wouldn't have occurred to me, nor made much sense, to be honest. CRBs are only of any use if someone has a criminal record. I took up references sometimes, but mostly relied on my instincts. In the end, that's all anyone can do. I don't know any other parents that would ask for CRB for babysitters. Cautious Dad sounds unusual; but it is not in fact sensible to put all the trust in a CRB check which gives only very limited information about people already known to the legal system.
On 4 Jun 2014 at 9:54am The Old Mayor wrote:
Surely, personal recommendations from 'real' people, friends and neighbours would be far preferable to the 'wild west' internet, where anonymity reigns and definitely can't be relied on for tradesman, let alone someone to guard your kids !
On 4 Jun 2014 at 11:36am Southover Queen wrote:
Jimmy Savile would have passed a CRB check with flying colours. As WW says I think these often give people a false sense of security and trusting your instincts (and speaking to referees) is always going to be safer.
On 4 Jun 2014 at 12:22pm someone else wrote:
When our kids were little that thing came in about having to be a registered childminder to be paid to look after children. We got the list off the council, met a few (not in Lewes) and they all seemed utterly unhinged. Ended up (illegally) paying non-registered friends of friends etc, which all worked perfectly.
On 4 Jun 2014 at 3:07pm Harald wrote:
Well, isn't this nice, Abigail? You show a bit of initiative to try and earn some money, and you get all this wonderful (not asked for) advice about how you SHOULD be behaving and how you SHOULD be doing it. I'm sure all this wonderful advice will help pay your bills...
On 4 Jun 2014 at 4:23pm Myra wrote:
I would like a bit of child minding work too !
On 4 Jun 2014 at 8:05pm Peter Pan wrote:
As a coach driver operating School contracts ,with no criminal record ! I was require by law to supply a C.R.B as we all are ,and I have no problem with that
On 4 Jun 2014 at 8:14pm Ian wrote:
Myra - you`re just sad , and not funny.
On 4 Jun 2014 at 9:43pm Myra wrote:
Yep Ian. It's not funny. Just picking a childminder off the internet. If Abigail is as experienced as he says, he'd know this is not how you get baby sitting work. End of.
On 4 Jun 2014 at 10:04pm Sheeps intestine wrote:
End of. Simples.

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