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Lloyd Russell-Moyle - Love him or loathe hIm?

On 4 Feb 2020 at 2:58pm Sleeveless wrote:
He’s one of our own, so what do you think?
On 4 Feb 2020 at 5:43pm the old mayor wrote:
You a tosser too ?
On 4 Feb 2020 at 9:08pm Local99 wrote:
He appeared to have been drinking on election night, when trying to incite violence on the streets amongst his little cohort of general election losers.
I think he has decided to become a bit of a 'character', in order to try and sustain a nice cushy well-paid job as an MP that, I suspect, is a level or two above anything he could manage to hold down in the real world.
Beyond such occasional, casual observations, I care not a jot. Does anyone?
On 4 Feb 2020 at 10:17pm Basil wrote:
Yes, he's one of those twerps who will eke out his time on the backbenches as a 'character' until he gets his peerage (if they still have them by then).
On 5 Feb 2020 at 10:04am Ferret wrote:
What a surprise! Lewes' favourite rabid right wingers don't like a local Labour MP. There are good reasons to disapprove of his politics, such as him being a Corbynite, but insulting his intelligence, motivation and work ethic seems a little misplaced, coming from our lazy local keyboard warriors.
On 5 Feb 2020 at 10:49am Mark wrote:
He swung the mace about magnificently. I quite liked that.
On 5 Feb 2020 at 12:31pm Nevillman wrote:
I knew him a bit when he was younger through my children and he was always highly principled and well motivated to help. No reason to suppose that he is no longer like that.
On 5 Feb 2020 at 10:00pm Basil wrote:
Ferret wrote: What a surprise! Lewes' favourite rabid right wingers...

I hope you're not including me as a rabid right winger'. I assume you are a Remainer and imagine your support for the EU neo-liberal project is somehow 'left wing'. My objection to the EU is an anti-capitalist one and I am what the media would call 'far left'.
On 7 Feb 2020 at 12:07pm Green Sleeves wrote:
@basil, i keep hearing this a lot from eurosceptics about the EU. Please could you perhaps explain what neo-liberalism is, and how the EU is neo-liberal. I'm genuinely curious.

I'm not saying in advance that your response is right or wrong, I just keep hearing the same set of phrases aimed at negatively portraying the EU and wonder if its either true, or just easy buzzwords/slogans to use in arguments to undermine the EU.
On 7 Feb 2020 at 12:59pm David Stanley wrote:
The EEC was a capitalist project. Joining was opposed by the Labour party. Traditional Labour voters opposed it because they thought it threatened their jobs. They were right.
By the time of the Maastricht treaty most Tories were disillusioned with the way things were going. However there was a new career track where failed,incompetent politicians could become very rich in Brussels......Mr Kinnock comes to mind.
Now, anyone here old enough to remember when Israel was a left wing cause and people went to work on a kibbutz to get lefty cred?
On 7 Feb 2020 at 2:39pm Nevillman wrote:
The EU is a pro capitalist group but despite repeating your mantra about it being neo liberal basil I have seen no evidence that it is neo liberal. Many people are opposed to it because of its regulatory stance. Why do you keep repeating it basil without any evidence and do you really think we are about to become less neo liberal by leaving it?
On 7 Feb 2020 at 5:53pm Sleeveless wrote:
Is it not possible to stick to topic. Lloyd Russell-Moyle, do you love him or loathe him?
On 7 Feb 2020 at 6:27pm Rookie wrote:
None of the above.
On 8 Feb 2020 at 10:01am Nevillman wrote:
I suspect sleeveless that rookie has a point and anyone with an opinion to express on this topic (almost noone in this case) has done so. Much as I like to hear from basil he is particularly good at changing the topic, mainly because he is incapable of understanding, let alone reading, other posts so uses it to trot out his particular line which at the moment concerns the EU as being a neo liberal project. He probably feels the need to keep repeating this because now that he has voted to get rid of the EU he is actually a bit worried about what he has done and must try harder to justify what I suspect he is starting to think might be a wrong position.
Anyway. What do you think about Lloyd sleeveless?
On 8 Feb 2020 at 12:24pm Mark wrote:
Nevilleman, I think that the EU adopts as much of a neo liberal approach as it judges that it can get away with. The gillet Jaunes have been protesting/rioting every Saturday for a year over minor changes to French pension rules. In this country we just sit in our armchairs and consider the queen. How hard she works! All the good that she does! I often wish that my roots were elsewhere.
On 8 Feb 2020 at 12:34pm Nevillman wrote:
I don't understand the link between perceived neo liberalism in the EU and the willingness of the French to protest mark. Do you disagree that we are likely to become more neo liberal as a result of leaving the EU?
On 8 Feb 2020 at 1:17pm Ferret wrote:
@Basil The anti-EU extreme left, including Corbyn in spite of his pretence, have have handed our future to the extreme right free market profiteers fronted by Johnson. This is so typical of them. The hard left has always seen social democrats as a great enemy of their ideology than the right. We're leaving the EU so we're one step closer to the socialist utopia. I get it.
On 8 Feb 2020 at 1:34pm Sleeveless wrote:
Back to topic. For my part, I dont like Lloyd Russell-Moyle.
I was introduced to him by a friend of mine who knows him from Priory days. I can’t put my finger on why I didn’t like him though. Maybe my view was jaundiced because of his social media output and press coverage.
I think he comes across as rather amateur. Contrast him with Peter Kyle who I do like and respect.
On 8 Feb 2020 at 5:52pm Mark wrote:
Nevilleman... I would have thought it was obvious. Because the French protest and riot at the drop of a hat. Theyre militant by nature. In this country our PM can give tens of thousands of pounds of tax payers money to a loose woman (J Arcurri). Who's fussed...
Can bury a report on Russian interference in our political system. Who's fussed... Can magic up the the idea that the leader of the opposition party is a jew-hater. Who's fussed...
On 8 Feb 2020 at 6:28pm Sleeveless wrote:
I don’t get Mark’s argument either, but at least it is original.
On 8 Feb 2020 at 11:32pm Mark wrote:
Nevilleman... I would have thought it was obvious. Because the French protest and riot at the drop of a hat. Theyre militant by nature. In this country our PM can give tens of thousands of pounds of tax payers money to a loose woman (J Arcurri). Who's fussed...
Can bury a report on Russian interference in our political system. Who's fussed... Can magic up the the idea that the leader of the opposition party is a jew-hater. Who's fussed...
On 9 Feb 2020 at 8:46am Nevillman wrote:
Mark. I will don't understand what this has got to do with neo liberalism.
On 9 Feb 2020 at 11:13am Mark wrote:
I just think that neo-liberalism would be less advanced in this country if people were less passive. How is it that Boris can be above the law and it's acceptable?
On 9 Feb 2020 at 11:18am Sleeveless wrote:
Ah, I see where you are coming from now Mark.
It would be interesting to know whether our Labour Party “big hitters” would still be standing on Picket lines as they seem to be doing at the moment, if they were in power.
On 9 Feb 2020 at 12:28pm Mark wrote:
The national mentality has changed so much since I was young. I can remember when the concept of standing in a picket line was virtuous/valiant. I can remember when the mindset was that it was a perfectly legitimate decision to Jack in your job because the Dole would pay better. It was a safety net. An alternative form of minimum wage. It just took a few years of shabby C5 programmes (Benefit Street and the others) to shift that thinking.
On 9 Feb 2020 at 12:50pm Nevillman wrote:
You could well have a point mark. Despite what basil thinks I agree that the EU has been holding back neo liberalism and we will now just passively walk into it. I remember when a lot of people were getting upset about the ttip trade deal. It was the EU which prevented that.
On 9 Feb 2020 at 12:52pm Sleeveless wrote:
The question I am asking Mark is not about whether Picket Lines are virtuous or valiant. It is whether the likes of Mc Donnell, Abbott, Corbyn, Long-Bailey etc would continue to be present at picket lines if they were in power.
On 9 Feb 2020 at 1:43pm Mark wrote:
Yup, Nevilleman... search and replace the TTIP documentation in Word... "EU"for "UK". Boris will be a hero for delivering the bold new deal. There will be enormous promises about the prosperity that it's going to deliver. And then... err... we'll have private-sector healthcare and chlorinated chicken. Sleeveless, your question makes no sense to me. Perhaps they might but they might not have the time.
On 9 Feb 2020 at 8:23pm Local99 wrote:
Anyone avoid chlorinated salad leaves at the moment?
On 9 Feb 2020 at 9:26pm Ferret wrote:
The solution used to wash chickens in the US is up to 50 times more concentrated than the tap water used to wash salad. This is such a red herring.
On 10 Feb 2020 at 6:27pm Mark wrote:
Well, I'll let you have that one Ferret. I'm not sure that Chlorine-cleaned chicken makes an ounce of difference either way. I do know, like Nevilleman, that the UK/US trade deal is going to be an absolute deal with the devil. Oh gosh... Look now, I see from Twitter that Rupert Murdoch's daughter is likely to become Director General of the BBC.
On 10 Feb 2020 at 6:28pm Mark wrote:
That's nice for Dad. He must be proud of her achievements.
On 10 Feb 2020 at 10:38pm Tom pain wrote:
I like Corbyn, I'd like to chat with him on the next door allotment, I think he'd be a good scoutmaster but not a good prime minister. But Jew hater? I think that's defamation of the basest kind. What has he done ,have you seen him do it? Or are you repeating slurs from the gutter, no sewer, press. Anti semitism has become a political weapon to stifle debate and nothing more. Cry wolf and when one really does turn up no one will take any notice. Not good.
On 11 Feb 2020 at 9:09am Nevillman wrote:
I realise this has been a wide ranging thread but what brought that out Tom? Corbyn has not even been mentioned apart from someone asking if he'd go on a picket line. Who is repeating slurs? What is your response to the fact that you voted to bring in neo liberalism Tom?
On 11 Feb 2020 at 11:33am Tom pain wrote:
Perhaps I've responded on the wrong thread. I don't recall ever voting for neo liberals, in fact I'm not that certain who represents them or who doesn't. Would you say that globalism and neo liberalism are the same thing?
On 11 Feb 2020 at 12:09pm Nevillman wrote:
There are degrees of neo liberalism. You voted for Brexit Tom which will lead to a much greater degree of neo liberalism and you were warned of this at the time. Globalism isn't necessarily the same as neo liberalism but they are often linked.

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