On 15 Apr 2018 at 12:51pm Uncle Bulgaria wrote:
Is it just silly old me or has the litter issue, especially on the verge sides, got out of control this year?
I don't think I have ever seen the environment in such a mess as this year!
Have seen that someone has litter picked & weeded the path from Malling Hill toward Stoneham/Uckfield and it looks lovely. Was that LDC or volunteers does anyone know?? Would anyone else consider doing some communal litter picking around Lewes? I'd definitely help out...
On 15 Apr 2018 at 1:26pm Blatant Liar wrote:
I hate to say it but picking it up won't help much, it's generally the dustmen that are dropping it.
I learnt the hard way, each week I would pickup the rubbish behind them, put it in the bin, when the next came, repeat the process. I wouldn't have minded if it had been my rubbish, but my rubbish was bagged in a wheeely bin, it's someone else's (products and package I don't even buy).
On 15 Apr 2018 at 1:46pm Sarah Clowes wrote:
Join the Litter Free Lewes Facebook Page who organise regular Litter picks Uncle Bulgaria
On 15 Apr 2018 at 3:34pm Rubbishman wrote:
I agree with blatant liar. Much of the rubbish is left by the binmen and on the A27 comes from lorries transporting litter.
On 15 Apr 2018 at 4:37pm Innocent Binmen wrote:
Most of the roadside rubbish I see when I'm out on my bike is made up of plastic drinks bottles, cans, disposable coffee cups, and fast food packaging. It's a bit rich blaming binmen. More likely it's white van men, open back works trucks and yobbos in their little cars.
On 15 Apr 2018 at 5:15pm Blatant Liar wrote:
Yes exactly innocent binmen, basically the contents of the recycling truck. you can all argue I am wrong, but do what I do, clear up the litter outside your house and low and behold, every bin day its all back...
On 15 Apr 2018 at 6:01pm @Blatant Liar wrote:
If you have a complaint against your binmen, use the link below. It is rather silly to suggest that general kerbside or verge litter originates from binmen. It's a bit like saying all crime is committed by coppers.
Check it out here »
On 15 Apr 2018 at 6:05pm @@ blatant liar wrote:
Last week it was fences, this week.its the source of all litter! Does your knowledge know no bounds?
On 15 Apr 2018 at 9:17pm Blatant Liar wrote:
My knowledge has lots of limits, for example I couldn't name 3 premier league footballers, but yes I can erect a fence, I can even brick lay, do carpentry, create an app, mechanics and various others things the average bloke should know. What's your excuse for being so ignorant that you don't believe that I can have contrasting areas of knowledge?
On 15 Apr 2018 at 9:20pm Blatant Liar wrote:
And I think you'll find you're aiming it @Blatant Liar not @@blatant Liar.
On 15 Apr 2018 at 9:29pm @@@@@@blatant lia wrote:
Why does the average bloke need to know how to create an app?
On 15 Apr 2018 at 10:35pm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BL wrote:
Bo Lox
On 16 Apr 2018 at 8:08am Uncle Bulgaria wrote:
Crikey! I really didn't expect or want such ranting & blaming!
I must say the litter that was most upsetting me was that along our country roads, especially as a lot of it is now National Park....
Urban litter, I agree, is a problem also but I hardly think the bin men
are deliberately casting it adrift.
Anyhow thank you for the volunteer link.
On 16 Apr 2018 at 12:11pm Blatant Liar wrote:
I didn't say deliberately, the system they use involves emptying all the bins into a big bin (and that gets tipped), if any bags are split they invariably spill rubbish. I even bought a wheely bin off the council, but no they still empty that into a big bin first (madness). LDC should just do what other councils do and provide everyone a wheely bin and tip those, that way the rubbish will go in the cart.