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Lib Dem Ed Davey wants to frack you hard!

On 13 Aug 2013 at 8:18pm Libdems.Are they insane? wrote:
Forget all the twaddle you have heard from Norman "boneless" Baker and Rosalyn "flip flop" St Pierre about Libdems not being all that keen on fracking.
Here`s Ed "Frack me baby" Davey Waxing lyrical about his support for this insane process.
LiB Dems are you listening?

Check it out here »
On 14 Aug 2013 at 7:57am Deelite 2 wrote:
Rosalyn St Pierre is against fracking and I'm sure she will vote accordingly if it's put to the vote at the Lib Dem conference.

What has been worrying me is the person who said that the Lib Dems made a deal with the Conservatives to support fracking if the Conservatives supported The Green Deal. If true, it's just such an incredibly inept deal to have made... and comes on top of other terrible deals they've done PR (referendum, tuition fees etc). I think the Conservatives are playing the Lib Dems for fools and the Lib Dems have been shown to be extremely naive, incompetent even.
On 14 Aug 2013 at 11:37am libdems.Are they insane? wrote:
Extremely naive?Incompetent.?Or desperate for power at any price?
Some junkies would sell their mothers for a bag of smack.

On 14 Aug 2013 at 4:57pm Dingo wrote:
I`m afraid you too could be accused of being naive Deelite 2. if you think that whatever happens at Lib dem conference will have the slightest effect on the leaderships actions.
Even the floor votes against it the leadership in gov`t will do nothing effectively to stop it
.Of couse they`ll make anodyne noises regarding the environment about safety being foremost,environmental safeguards will be put in place,yadda yadda yadda ,but unless we the great unwashed ,the plebs put a stop to it the future is very bleak for our lovely island.
What is clear is that we cannot trust our political leaders to do the right thing.Make the assumption they are ging to screw us and you can`t go far wrong.Sad but true I know, but the Lib Dems are no different to anyone else.I suspect you are someone that has voted Lib dem consistently in the past?
As a labour Party supporter at every election I waited for the Labour gov`t to protect and nurture our public services ,take rail and the utilities back into public ownership .We waited and we waited,then came the Iraq war.I`m Labour no more.If you are a disenchanted Lib Dem welcome to the real world!
It`s the system that corrupts it`s obviously broken.No one from any political party will stand up to the vested interests that essentially run the show.
Maybe the Greens can do something who knows!
I suspect though, that in the absence of true political leadership from a political class completely out of touch with their electorate , a group of people who have become so corrupted by the glittering prizes they have fought so hard for and won that they are next to useless(Norman Baker take note)
direct action as a way of getting things done will play a more and more important role in our lives.
We have no other avenues open to us anymore.
On 14 Aug 2013 at 5:08pm Deelite 2 wrote:
I am sort of with you in much of what you say there Dingo, butiIf the Lib Dems delegates vote against the Lib Dems supporting fracking then their leadership will have no choice but to condemn it (isn't this how the Lib Dems work if a vote is put to conference?). This might further fracture the coalition and even lead to its demise (although whether this is a good thing is open to doubt... we may well end up with a Tory majority, if recent polls and economic upturn can be believed).

And, I've voted all sorts in the past, but recently Lib Dem, but unless they condemn fracking I'll never vote for them again (and yes, it'll be Green for me from then on).
On 15 Aug 2013 at 12:41am Des wrote:
Get ye all up to Balcombe and give the good people there your support.

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