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Liam Fox is an obnoxious lying coward.

On 1 Sep 2018 at 11:16pm Auto Phil wrote:
Liam Fox is an obnoxious, lying coward for saying a no-deal Brexit wouldn't be the government's fault
Even a triple dose of the FBI’s most powerful truth serum wouldn’t work on the trade secretary

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On 2 Sep 2018 at 2:00pm stevejibes wrote:
Some of what you say may be true, but Liam Fox is quite right.
You could also put those labels on Barnier and Tusk.
On 2 Sep 2018 at 3:23pm uberalles wrote:
Speaking on the BBC's Andrew Marr show, Liam Fox said: "This idea that we can predict what our borrowing would be 15 years in advance is just a bit hard to swallow."
Treasury analysis estimates that by 2033 borrowing would be around £80bn a year higher under a "no-deal" scenario.
It also forecasts no deal could mean a 7.7% hit to GDP over the next 15 years.
Asked by Andrew Marr whether he accepted the figures, Mr Fox said: "Can you think back in all your time in politics where the Treasury have made predictions that were correct 15 years out. I can't."
He's correct there too.
More project fear again Auto Phil.
On 3 Sep 2018 at 8:42am One wrote:
Why wouldn't you trust everything Fox says?
So what if he got caught fraudulently claiming expenses from the public purse? - he was told to stop doing it and probably has so everything's ok and he's an honorable mp again.
Definitely a coward though, to be fair.
On 3 Sep 2018 at 9:00am uber alice wrote:
Momentum dross at it's best.
If the intellectual argument has been lost, slag off your opponent.

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