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Lewes pubs

On 1 Oct 2017 at 1:28am Lewes man wrote:
Lets name the 5 best pubs in lewes and why
On 1 Oct 2017 at 1:35am Hyena wrote:
Yes, and let's name the five best football clubs, and the five best drinks, and the five best sit coms. Might be a tad subjective.
Anyway it's Millwall, Jameson's , Porridge.
Don't need Five.
On 1 Oct 2017 at 6:42am Landporter wrote:
Is it half term already?
On 1 Oct 2017 at 7:41am Sid wrote:
Dorset elly lansdown black horse snowdrop .
On 1 Oct 2017 at 8:04am Sue wrote:
Black horse elly only 2 i go in
On 1 Oct 2017 at 8:37am Jim wrote:
This question comes up once every 6 weeks, it's very dull and always concludes that we are very lucky in Lewes to have something for everyone. Moving on.......
On 1 Oct 2017 at 9:01am Ghostly Gordon wrote:
The Dolphin
Red White & Blue
The Bell
The Thatched Inn
The Fountain
These were the five best pubs in town as no dfl ever set foot in
On 1 Oct 2017 at 10:36am Nellie wrote:
@Jim - I agree and someone nearly always starts going on "Ooh I love the 'Ellie' and their famous Ellieburger'" (famous where, exactly?). It's a nice enough pub, better than most, but I wouldn't get that excited about it.
On 1 Oct 2017 at 11:05am The Tooth Fairy wrote:
I couldn't agree more with you, Nellie and Jim
The owners have tried to make it 'famous ' by giving it a 'funny' name, I wonder if people still ask if it contains elephant
But it's no more than offal in a bun and if that floats your boat …
On 1 Oct 2017 at 1:53pm MG wrote:
Tooth Fairy@ There's no offal in them, just local free range beef. Certainly the best burgers I've had anywhere, and not "premium-priced". Famous on this forum at least.
On 1 Oct 2017 at 3:15pm Jilted John wrote:
Gordon is a moron
On 1 Oct 2017 at 7:37pm Sii wrote:
fuego is the best. And Tally Ho is ok but too many chicks from London in there at the mo!
On 1 Oct 2017 at 8:37pm huw wrote:
It does become a bit of a dull subject. I must point out the first person to bring up the Ellyburger was the person complaining people always bring it up.
For the record, we use May's steak mince for our burgers (same as the Snowdrop) and have been selling them for over twenty years (started before my time).
As for lists of which pubs are best, personally I think that depends on your mood.
With so many pubs in Lewes you'd be foolish to only frequent one.
Anyway, wherever you go enjoy yourself and remember that the pubs you celebrate or denigrate provide people with employment and a social network and the people who own/work in them are human beings not faceless internet bots.
On 2 Oct 2017 at 8:18pm Nobby wrote:
I brought up an ellyburger once, ruined my suede shoes.
On 4 Oct 2017 at 12:20am Observer wrote:
best for ale - gardeners, brewers
best all round / atmosphere - lewes arms, swan
best for craft beer - snowdrop
best for sport - Ellie
best for food - Swan
The Snowdrop used to be in my ale list but they seem to have focussed almost enitrely on the overhopped IPA market. Last time i was there there were five different ales on tap - all of which were identical: IPAs packed full of hops imported from the northwest USA. Went for a pint of Harveys in the end - local ingredients innit.
On 4 Oct 2017 at 12:21am Observer wrote:
I'd like to like the Ellie but it has too many screens, which I'm not a fan of. It also screams "sports pub" at me, despite excellent beers and good food.

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