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Lewes parking

On 18 Feb 2010 at 8:38pm Confused of lewes wrote:
Just felt like a little moan I purchased a large item from Argos today and believed you could park in the car park behind for big objects but as I was driving over the bridge very rude woman waved her stick and shouted at me saying you can't drive down here. Can somebody tell me what you are allowed to do in lewes. And why is Bill allowed to place tables on road as well as pavement? And is it one way when you come out of this road or can you go back over bridge as no sign. What a very unfriendly place Lewes is.
On 19 Feb 2010 at 8:21am 'ere be monsters wrote:
It says NO LEFT TURN in big letters across the road when you drive out of Bear Lane. Difficult to see when the above mentioned's tables and punters are all over it!!
On 19 Feb 2010 at 6:29pm Apple of her eye wrote:
The rude woman shaking her stick was probably Bill's mum.
On 20 Feb 2010 at 12:01pm mr salt wrote:
you should have drove through his tables and knocked hid lemons over lol
On 20 Feb 2010 at 12:11pm Confused of lewes wrote:
One of his stupid treeshad fallen over so drove over that can't belive he can put tables on the road. And that woman with the stick how does she know I don't live down there flippin place hate it no wonder nobody likes going to lewes
On 20 Feb 2010 at 2:22pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I'm a bit confused about it all too. How far down Cliffe High Street is it two way? I thought it was only from Cliffe corner down to Morris Road, but when I walked down the other day there were lots of cars pointing towards the river on the stretch by where Woollies used to be.
I couldn't see any no entry signs on the approach to the bridge, so if those cars were legally facing the wrong way, it would be easy to mistakenly cross the bridge in the wrong direction.

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