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Lewes medical surgeries to merge (River Lodge OK?)

On 2 Nov 2017 at 1:31pm Mascara Snake wrote:
School Hill Medical Practice, St. Andrew's Surgery, and River Lodge Surgery are merging to become one healthcare provider. There'll be new buildings and all sorts.

I've been very happy with my surgery St Andrews but I've read some worrying things about River Lodge including that it's a Christian practice and that it charged incoming phone calls at a premium rate.

Does anyone else have reservations about River Lodge?
On 2 Nov 2017 at 3:13pm Ksreb wrote:
On 2 Nov 2017 at 3:33pm tobnac wrote:
Generally speaking, when instiututions merge (schools, colleges etc) it ups the game of the poorer ones, rather than diminishing the better ones. As a happy St Andrews patient, I'd say this is good news (from what I've heard) for River Lodge patients.
On 2 Nov 2017 at 3:53pm Landporter wrote:
I moved from River Lodge as i found them rude and pretty uninterested. Went to School Hill and loved it there.
On 2 Nov 2017 at 5:02pm Alive wrote:
This merger is really old news.
On 2 Nov 2017 at 5:26pm Hmmm wrote:
For you maybe, but not it seems for the majority of their patients.
On 2 Nov 2017 at 6:10pm A Person wrote:
It was a surprise to me!
On 2 Nov 2017 at 6:41pm Fairmeadow wrote:
All the Lewes practices are (a) generally good overall and (b) nevertheless, have areas that they can usefully improve. There are a lot more important aspects of good medical treatment than how nice the receptionists are to you.
River Lodge is traditionally a Christian practice. Most people see that as a strength, but actually anyone who knows anything about the NHS knows that it is riddled with Christians from bottom to top. Well, perhaps not too many at the very top. If you use any arm of the NHS you will be treated by Christians. Its the sort of job that appeals to people with Christian beliefs. Quite important actually for recruitment in many of the less well paid areas.
On 2 Nov 2017 at 6:57pm Curate wrote:
Glad to see that Fairmeadow is aware of HIS works riddling something. Much as other institutions are riddled ?
On 2 Nov 2017 at 7:04pm the people wrote:
The continued delays to North Street may not see completion until 2020/1. The increase to interest rates may impact the Business Case, so who knows what will happen.
On 3 Nov 2017 at 5:15am Earl of Lewess wrote:
I'm at St Andrew's, which has always been very good. My mother was at River Lodge and had to endure long waits for appointments, missing prescriptions and obstructive staff. I hope the merger levels thing up to the best rather than down to the worst.
On 3 Nov 2017 at 8:24pm Little Richard wrote:
I have been a patient at River Lodge for 30 years, in fact since it was called Castle Lodge and located in the High Street. Yes it has always been a Christian practice but that shouldn't imply patients are going to be preached at by the Doctors.Not once in those 30 years has religion played a part in any consultation I have had. I am fortunate that my visits recently have been rare, but whenever I have had cause to telephone the surgery, the person answering has been most helpful. However I do agree with an earlier post that appointments are hard to come by and maybe the merger whenever that might be will make it easier.

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