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Lewes homeless

On 15 Feb 2019 at 10:32am fishandchips wrote:
Are the homeless in Lewes actually homeless and how do we know?
On 15 Feb 2019 at 11:46am local2 wrote:
There are a few druggies who take turns begging they mostly live in flats down landport. Of course there is genuine homeless people in the town, there has been for many years.
On 15 Feb 2019 at 11:52am Hugs For Drugs wrote:
corse im not homeless you muppet. look homeless I get more money crash at the house I score at in Landport then sell drugs to the rest of my mates you can see the quality of them by how matt looks by boots if anyone wants to score just hit me up either before 10 otlr after 3 cops dont search me as I smell so safe I got grey hair you know me
On 15 Feb 2019 at 4:29pm Decent Citizen 1 wrote:
Yesterday,late afternoon,I noticed a man weeding the edges of curbs of carpark by the Phoenix centre. He was there when I returned from Tesco’s still weeding. I was intrigued so stopped to speak to him.Yes he was “ begging” but,he was doing something to earn people’s donations. Good on him eh?
On 15 Feb 2019 at 4:52pm Over the bridge wrote:
Yes he was there a few weeks ago weeding the path by the flood wall near the doctors surgery. I said thank you to him and gave him a £1
On 15 Feb 2019 at 6:43pm Biggles wrote:
After your pound otb he only needed another 19 then he was off to get one brown and one white. The worst thing you can do is give them cash it simply enables their drug use and encourages them to continue begging.
Druggies are no use to humanity they need to be offered rehab,if they refuse deport them to Holland where they love druggies,sorted.
On 15 Feb 2019 at 7:29pm Oh Dear wrote:
There's only one possibly genuinely homeless person in Lewes and even the coppers are unsure if she is.
The Boots beggar was at the junction of Bradford Road and De Monfort this afternoon waving his very expensive phone around while his mate was sat on the bench openly spliffing up. Probably waiting for their next delivery
On 15 Feb 2019 at 10:41pm [email protected] wrote:
I'm the person who has a flat in landlord and the people that are homeless come and get a shower and was there cloths. Have you people got nothing better to do than pick on someone who are homeless and has other things that are happening with them,maybe you should have a talk to them and show a bit more humanity.
On 15 Feb 2019 at 11:05pm Hello wrote:
Do try and talk in sense Toby. Is it the drugs?
On 17 Feb 2019 at 8:55am Biggles wrote:
Is that the same Toby Holland who when he wasn't in prison was off his face on smack and thought it was ok to slash people with a Stanley knife,is that the kind of humanity your talking about. Kn@bhe@d
On 19 Feb 2019 at 11:46pm Eighties Boy wrote:
Bloody hell - Toby Holland. I had hope for you.
On 21 Apr 2021 at 3:00pm annom wrote:

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