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Lewes family looking for a house to rent.

On 6 Sep 2015 at 8:57pm Lewes family wrote:
We are a Lewes family looking for a 2 bedroom house to rent in or around Lewes with a garden. Any information would be gratefully received.
Many Thanks
On 6 Sep 2015 at 10:53pm Lewes Plumber wrote:
You will pay a lot more for a garden that you may never use. try to find a spot in mountfield road, court road etc. They may not always have a garden, but they have the covenant fields and grange gardens. They get the kids out and give you a social outlet you may not have in a private garden.
2bed flat near Grange gardens = £900
2 bed flat with Garden in Central Lewes = £1300

Both are for "boring flats" - but is the extra £400 pound worth it?
up to you...
On 7 Sep 2015 at 2:21am Agent Tejen wrote:
If you fancied a change of scene I hear Syria is the place to go. Start civilisation from scratch.. A true land of milk & honey.. Get there before the masses..
On 7 Sep 2015 at 10:51am Agent Orange wrote:
I hear joining the Giro Chapel can open doors.
On 7 Sep 2015 at 9:34pm Lewes family wrote:
Thanks Lewes Plumber,
We currently live in a flat with no garden but near parks in central Lewes but a private garden would be ideal, thanks for your adult response. Both Agents comments are just plain stupid.
On 8 Sep 2015 at 12:11am Letting agent wrote:
Please yourselves. Plumber's response is about flats when you ask about houses. Adult but wrong.
On 8 Sep 2016 at 10:44am heather hurst wrote:
I have a 2 bed house to let with a terraced garden. Close to the Paddocks. Private rental only. Sorry, no housing benefit.
£900 pcm
Please email me if you are interested.

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