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Lewes bins beginning to look like Brighton?

On 18 Jun 2013 at 1:54pm stig of the lump wrote:
This morning the rubbish strewn down Station Street by the council refuse collection making Lewes look a bit like Brighton (see link below).

Maybe this is future of our town as increasingly refuse and recycling services are being franchised out to Brighton and Brighton refuse service managers seconded by LDC.

Check it out here »
On 18 Jun 2013 at 3:34pm Barcombe Boy wrote:
The Barcombe bin boys are quick, clean and efficient.
They do a fantastic job. Well done LDC.
On 18 Jun 2013 at 3:39pm Oh Really wrote:
Can't really see any difference, Brighton's always been a sh1thole. Though many mistake this for it being 'vibrant'
On 18 Jun 2013 at 6:33pm bin laden wrote:
its all you green tree huggers puttin your rubbish out the night before cuz you cant be bothered to get up in the morning and do it
On 18 Jun 2013 at 8:32pm Carole wrote:
What about the people who always put the rubbish out the same day as normal after a bank holiday, short term memory loss! It can't be that hard to remember.
The pavements in Lewes are looking particularly messy at the moment, I miss that generation of householders who use to sweet up outside their front doors, clear the weeds and generally have a bit of pride. Sorry to be so reactionary but my new neighbours have turned a nice looking house into a bit of a squat.
On 18 Jun 2013 at 10:30pm amused wrote:
We put our food bin out this morning as usual. Went to bring it in this afternoon and it had more food in it than before. How does that work?
On 18 Jun 2013 at 11:05pm feeling unwell wrote:
Someone was sick in it ? Very Brighton.
On 19 Jun 2013 at 7:01am Sussex Jim wrote:
There needs to be a special collection along the High Street at about 6pm. in order to avoid the problem of rubbish being left outside shops all night.
On 19 Jun 2013 at 8:32am jolewes1 wrote:
Cannot log on as jolewes as the system won't let me. I have said in other threads that the council won't budge. All litter including broken bin bags is the responsibility of the householders. So, they either get up early to put their bags out or they buy a bin. Easy.
Also, the council only clean side streets every 6 weeks. Just under 3 grand in council tax well spent then.
On 19 Jun 2013 at 8:32am jolewes1 wrote:
Cannot log on as jolewes as the system won't let me. I have said in other threads that the council won't budge. All litter including broken bin bags is the responsibility of the householders. So, they either get up early to put their bags out or they buy a bin. Easy.
Also, the council only clean side streets every 6 weeks. Just under 3 grand in council tax well spent then.
On 19 Jun 2013 at 9:30am The old mayor wrote:
So the government have finally woken up to the fact they need to ensure Local Councils are value for money and making them more transparent. Horrray, the gravy train is slowing down !
On 19 Jun 2013 at 11:28am Passing by wrote:
Why can they not just put the bin out the front. This is what i do. Now i dont need to clear up after split bin bags
On 20 Jun 2013 at 11:37pm Local wrote:
Talking of Brighton, the place really does look dreadful at the moment with rubbish strewn everywhere. I wonder what Alfie Green thinks about the way his colleagues are running things there? Probably hoping that voters have short memories...
On 21 Jun 2013 at 6:48am Load of Rubbish wrote:
05:38 this morning - woken by a bunch of little sh1ts who thought it would be funny to rip open bags of rubbish and cover Lansdown Place in their contents. Not the bin men or residents at fault but the parents that let their kids wander the streets all night!
On 21 Jun 2013 at 7:49am Load of Rubbish wrote:
07:30 - And a pretty good clearing up job by the binmen as part of their morning round........
On 21 Jun 2013 at 8:51am Bertrand wrote:
As someone who works in Brighton there is a staggering lack of sympathy for the bin men here. As I understand it their conditions of employment are better than almost anyone I know and the £4,000 pay cut isn't representative of what most will experience. More will be better off under the new proposal than worse off so you have to wonder whether their complaints are justified.

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