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Lewes Regatta - bad for nature

On 20 Jul 2015 at 8:17am JR wrote:
Hello - I attended Lewes regatta yesterday and was shocked to see people throwing g water bombs into the to river. I'm all for fun, but the birds and other river wildlife will digest this horrible plastic/rubber, mistaking it for food. It made me really sad.
On 20 Jul 2015 at 8:24am Tipex wrote:
Aside from that it was an excellent occasion and I hope it will become a regular feature.
On 20 Jul 2015 at 9:20am santa wrote:
It was really good fun, but the throwing of eggs and flour made me sad, especially at a time when so many people are relying on donations from foodbanks. I also agree about the water bombs. Apart from that, good to see the event was well attended. Well done to the organisers and all who made the rafts
On 20 Jul 2015 at 9:57am Merlin Milner wrote:
The eggs flipping hurt too! Great fun though. Feeling very rough this morning 5am start and we had a barrel of Harveys on our raft.
On 20 Jul 2015 at 2:36pm bastian wrote:
it has been a long standing tradition to throw eggs an flour at the rafters, been doing it for years and haven't missed a race yet.
On 20 Jul 2015 at 3:53pm sceptic wrote:
I think the eggs and flour are ok, especially if the wildlife like an omelette, its the plastic bombs that are the concern. Great day though.
On 20 Jul 2015 at 5:37pm my town wrote:
j r needs to get a live or move with the green to London
On 20 Jul 2015 at 8:22pm Reality wrote:
I see the 'fun police' are alive & well in Lewes, luckily the vast majority had a fantastic time & no harm was done. In fact thousands will have been raised for charity, I'm sure even those in need of the food bank wouldn't begrudge a few eggs being thrown!
Well done all involved especially Lewes Round Table & the fantastic raft entries, same again next year please!
On 21 Jul 2015 at 10:37pm Newell Fisher wrote:
Food banks? Really? You might as well complain about the Fifth and air pollution.............ahh.............
On 24 Jul 2015 at 9:59am Jr wrote:
To the person on here who told me 'to get a life'...very rude! I have one thanks. I enjoyed the regatta, I just care a great deal about plastic which will take thousands of years to degrade away, killing our wildlife. Part of the reason people live in Lewes is because they care about the countryside and want to preserve it for future generations. My brother works at an animal rescue charity up north, and they are regularly finding dead and injured birds who's insides are choked up with plastic.
Shame on you for being so rude. You don't even know me. Would you think it's ok for people to be chucking plastic bags into the river on an average day?

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