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Lewes Regatta

On 25 Feb 2017 at 1:34pm Brendon parsons wrote:
VACANCIES: Lewes Regatta will burst into life on the Ouse for the third time this summer, celebrating the natural asset that is the beating heart of this community with a day of joy on rafts, canoes, boats and battling bonfire societies. This event has become the starting gun to summer, second only to Bonfire Night on the town's social calendar - and this year we will be expanding with new events in Lewes and in Newhaven. BUT we need good people to join the organising team, called Riffrafters. We already have a strong group but still have vacancies for a treasurer and a safety officer. Treasurer will keep the books, take in money from sponsors and raft race entrants, and hand out the funds to selected charities afterwards. Ideally suit an accountant, possibly retired, someone interested in the community. Commitment to meeting one evening monthly and a couple of hours in between. Not a heavy workload, but you get a chance to be part of the team that creates this unique and very special event. We also need someone to organise our safety marshals on land - 29 of them last year. We have safety on the water covered but need someone to organise the trips at Malling Rec and in town. Ideally suit someone with experience of similar activities and some knowledge of liability for public events. We have all the risk assessments and insurance covered, just need a good man/woman manager. A bonfire captain perhaps? Fire officer? A serious job, but not demanding much time commitment in the run up to the event - to be held on Sunday July 9. And, again, you get to join the team, share your ideas. Hope to hear from someone asap.
On 25 Feb 2017 at 8:57pm Promanader wrote:
2nd only to bonfire night are you sure , late night shopping , lewes live . Night before iewes operatic . And many many more , let's make a list and vote . My vote proms in the paddock
On 26 Feb 2017 at 9:16pm brendon wrote:
Dear Promanader, no doubt the proms are fab, as are all the events you mention. And they all need organising, which was the point of my post. The regatta, being a new event and involving 400+ people on the tidal waters plus several thousand spectators on the banks, needs a lot of organising to ensure everyone has fun SAFELY and funds raised are accounted for precisely and openly for the benefit of the local charities supported.
No slight is intended to any of the great events that together make up our community life.
PS: Still need a treasurer and a marshals marshal.
On 27 Feb 2017 at 2:28pm Promanaider wrote:
And all I questioned was your claim 2nd best after bonfire night , just highlighting a few of the many others that folk can enjoy , talk about touchy

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