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Lewes Priory school

On 17 Jun 2011 at 3:48pm William Garland wrote:
I attended this school between the years 1975 to 1977, one year in the middle school, and one year in the upper school I thought the teaching was rubbish, particularly if you were only of average ability, like myself. I can remember, even at the time, the school had an overblown reputation. What I think was happening was that the school was spoilt by it's very midddle class intake, who could in reality teach themselves, as long as you gave them the materials. I remember being mistankly put in the top stream for maths, as they did not have my reports from my previous school and I can remember to this day the teacher throughout the lessons I had ( before I was rapidly demoted) reading the paper at his desk at the front, while the pupils just worked from the text book. These schools had a name attached to them many years later called, "coasters", and that summed up Lewes priory for me and why I only left with three CSE's. Thought across the road, there was a far better institution called, Lewes Technical College, who took a lot of the Priory rejects post sixteen, I recevied a much better education here, and duly got my O-Levels and eventually went to university.
On 17 Jun 2011 at 5:42pm Vesbod wrote:
And your point is ?
On 17 Jun 2011 at 9:58pm Bert wrote:
I think he just wants us to know he went to university.
On 17 Jun 2011 at 11:02pm Ken Wood wrote:
And he obviously didn't get his English O Level...
On 18 Jun 2011 at 12:23am KENDO CASTER wrote:
I went to Priory between 1977-1982,
I got the 3, O levels i wanted, Brilliant.
Then i went to the Technical College, and got my City and Guilds for the construction industry, Brilliant
On 18 Jun 2011 at 9:52am Rookie wrote:
I was at Priory until 1975. My 2 kids have recently left the same school. All 3 of us think Priory is a pretty good school.
On 21 Jun 2011 at 7:50pm Wasser wrote:
Outstanding with ofsted must be pretty good!
On 21 Jun 2011 at 8:32pm belladonna wrote:
I didn't go to Priory, but I got 8 o'levels, 3 a'levels and a degree, and now I live in Lewes and my kids go to Priory.
On 21 Jun 2011 at 9:17pm Deelite wrote:
I went to Priory and I'm unemployable.

My sister went to Priory and is a top genetic scientist.

My cousin didn't got to Priory and is the President of Peru

Chailey school has a big sign outside it saying it got Outstanding for its Ofsted report.

This thread is truly silly.
On 15 Aug 2015 at 11:55pm El Maggot. wrote:
I thought it was a weird school. Lots of pseuds. It took me years to achieve anything. I am now an abject failure, but, at least I'm not a pretentious tyre kicker.
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