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Lewes Press

On 30 Sep 2016 at 12:28pm JM3 wrote:
On Wed 31 Aug at 8:58am Wotcha wrote:
The print was a major part of the Lewes economy that was unknown to many of the town's residents. Stuff like the high-speed printing of closing prices on the London Stock Exchange (in time for the markets opening the following morning) was all done on the hot metal machines based in Friars Walk. Setting up the type and checking the output must have driven folk mad.
I assume this was in the Turkish Baths. Can anyone confirm please? And can anyone confirm when the Lewes Press handed over to Clothkits and then who took over from them?
Thank you.
On 1 Oct 2016 at 2:58am Fairmeadow wrote:
My friend Mick worked for them in the 1970s. Sadly he is no longer here to ask for more details. They were in the Turkish Baths building.
On 2 Oct 2016 at 12:18am Q wrote:
Lewes press was where the new(ish) building to the right of the Turkish Baths are, although they also made use of the Turkish Bath for storage or something.
On 2 Oct 2016 at 8:06am JM3 wrote:
Thank you. That is helpful. Yes, The Lewes Press sometimes held children's birthday parties in there for example. I've seen a couple of photos of a birthday party in the Turkish Baths in the early 60s. Their main offices must have been in what used to be one of Browne and Crosskeys buildings (where the NHS now is). There is photographic evidence of this.
I am still trying to track down dates for handovers between companies, but I hope to see some deeds held by LDC which will help establish these more precisely.
Thank you again.
On 12 Nov 2016 at 1:02pm kitty cat wrote:
I used to work in the press .Burrup Matheson took over Lewes Press just before it shut down. If I remember, it was handed over in or around the early eighties. Hope this helps.

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