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Lewes Petrol Prices

On 9 Jun 2014 at 10:44pm Royrangers wrote:
Good evening readers,
Has anyone wondered why both garage fuel outlets are charging the same prices, while outwith the boundaries of town in some cases (Eastbourne) for one) prices are as low as 4pence per Ltre less than Either Tesco and the Esso garage which i may add now takes the "Tesco Clubcard?" or is it a fact as often said "Lewes Folk can afford it?" why are the 2 garage outlets charging the same FIXED price, why haven't the prices come down like other areas around the county, Tesco more or less said after a recent telephone query Live with it? Well some may i wont!!
On 10 Jun 2014 at 12:07am Fairmeadow wrote:
There have been several similar threads over the years - a long-running sore.
Buying petrol in Lewes is a sign of stupidity, but as long as plenty of people carry on doing it, the Lewes cartel will continue unchecked.
Two options - buy your petrol while elsewhere (e.g. Eastbourne) or invite a company that believes in a free market to open a supermarket in Lewes.
The Tesco model is "Every little helps" [helps them, that is]
On 10 Jun 2014 at 12:16am edtheplumber wrote:
Tesco (after the "bad fuel"period), decided to buy fuel from Esso. Now, due to close proximity of the Esso pumps, they are unable to be competitive. So, they can't undercut their suppliers. So, basically - they are the same and take turns reducing their price by one pence.
I might be wrong, so do your own research...
On 10 Jun 2014 at 12:59am Fairmeadow wrote:
You are far too charitable edtheplumber. Tesco can sell 3-4 p per liter cheaper in Eastbourne than they do in Lewes, and the petrol is the same. They are quite shameless about it - they sell for the best price the market will permit in each town, as they have done for more than 10 years. They think Lewes residents are mugs, so they charge us top whack. Lots of Lewes residents keep buying, which proves Tesco are right. In Eastbourne they have to compete with Asda, Sainsbury & Morrisons, and they do.
On 10 Jun 2014 at 5:52am Lewes born and bred wrote:
Maybe LDC charge too much for their business rates so prices have to stay high to reflect this.
When I last checked, unleaded was 1.29.9 a litre or similar. That pretty much reflects most petrol stations in brighton (Esso, Shell, BP etc)
What I do hate is the blatant price fixing between Tesco and Esso in Lewes. They've obviously got some secret handshake going on that if one lot of petrol goes up, a phone call goes to the other station telling them to do the same
On 10 Jun 2014 at 6:39am Sussex Jim wrote:
Clayhill on the A26 just past the Cock and the Barcombe Mills turning is normally the best in the Lewes area.
£1.28.9 yesterday.
On 10 Jun 2014 at 6:43am Rookie wrote:
ASDA in Brighton marina is consistently cheaper than Lewes. 127.9 yesterday when I went past.
On 10 Jun 2014 at 7:02am Sjep76 wrote:
I emailed Norman Baker about this when he was in the transport department and he said it was because there was only 2 petrol stations in Lewes and they can basically charge what they like because of no competition.
When I had a car I used to go to Offham filling station as it was always a few pence cheaper.
On 10 Jun 2014 at 8:45am Andy wrote:
Asda Marina or Asda Hollingbury is usually cheapest. I fill up whenever passing.
On 10 Jun 2014 at 10:46am Harry Enfield wrote:
I go to asda everyday , but I never fill up loadsamoney
On 10 Jun 2014 at 12:45pm Car Tel wrote:
Tesco charge whatever the local market will stand - cheapest I have found is Tesco store at Copdock interchange, Ipswich.
It has consistently been 3 - 4p cheaper than Lewes' Tescos over last three to four years. Agreed, it's a bit of a long way to go for a tank-full every week (;-) ), but I always fill up there if I'm passing by.
I only use Tescos Lewes for fuel because I collect the clubcard points. Assuming I cash these in at 4:1 face value for useful restaurant/attraction vouchers etc it's a better saving than saving a few pence per litre at the pump. Otherwise I'd buy my fuel elsewhere.
On 10 Jun 2014 at 12:52pm Just saying wrote:
It seems that when local pubs charge what they can get away with, for a pint of harveys best, you all run to their defence.
When it comes to Tesco though, it seems you are all aghast.
Double standards as usual from the cretins.......
On 10 Jun 2014 at 3:19pm Bob wrote:
By the way, if you are a 'loyal Tesco customer' you get cheaper fuel at any Tesco garage, including the Lewes one. By using your clubcard in store and then scanning your card before filling up it will ask you if you want to use your cheaper fuel allowance.
Recently I got 6p per litre off my petrol. I guess that's how they 'compete' with Esso even though their prices are the same.
On 10 Jun 2014 at 6:39pm Rookie wrote:
I got a Tesco Clubcard Credit card. £18 of vouchers last month without going near the place. But I will have to now to spend them. Probably on petrol.
On 10 Jun 2014 at 7:11pm Lewes Lady wrote:
No Rookie, you don't. Convert them to Avios or something, and you don't have to go anywhere near Tesco.
On 10 Jun 2014 at 9:53pm Fairmeadow wrote:
Your Tesco clubcard points get you just as many pence off cheap Tesco fuel in Eastbourne, etc (i.e. in towns where there is competition) as you do if you buy expensive Tesco fuel from the Lewes cartel. Buying petrol in Lewes shows (a) that you are a mug, and (b) encourages them to continue to exploit you. Just say no, and they will soon change their tune.
On 12 Jun 2014 at 6:07am ducatipete wrote:
Esso Uckfield very cheap or garage on the east going side at Newmarket Lewes. Tesco have a club card thing going that can give up to 20p a ltr off.
On 2 Jul 2014 at 5:55pm Royrangers wrote:
Thanks to all who posted on the cost of fuel in Lewes, its a shame people wont band together and take Tesco and Esso to task over the "Fixed??" charges in both forecourts, no sooner had ISIS rebels started their escapade in Iraq, Guess what,,,Tesco and Esso both slapped a price rise on the same day at the pumps, Yet further afield this was slower to filter through looking at other petrol stations. As for the reply from Norman Baker! Well that wasn't a surprise after all if he wants fuel he gets the money back on expenses, those who got the offer of a clubcard petrol discount, ask yourself how much did you have to spend in order to access the discount? Tesco don't give anything away for nothing, what may seem a deal isn't a deal, come on keep the momentum going and lets have fair prices for fuel for ALL in Lewes.

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