Lewes Forum thread

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Lewes Parking Review Meeting - 9th August

On 4 Aug 2011 at 9:33pm Matt Kent wrote:
Do you want to see the Controlled Parking Zone extended into South Malling and surrounding Streets?
Talk to Atkins (ESCC's parking consultant) from 2pm until 5pm.
Then a Public Meeting from 6.30pm until 7.30pm with Bridge Ward Town Councillors.
Location of meeting: MALLING COMMUNITY CENTRE.
You can email comments to lewesparking(at)atkinsglobal.com
On 5 Aug 2011 at 9:48am 'ere be monsters wrote:
When 85% of the consultation surveys came back saying they didn't want any extension to the scheme and they still went ahead and did it, what are the chances of them listening now? Especially how providing parking for the hordes from the Police HQ is a must as far as ESCC is concerned.
This a hateful made worse.
On 5 Aug 2011 at 10:04am John Stockdale wrote:
Webbo, I'm having trouble posting to this thread. What am I doing wrong?
On 5 Aug 2011 at 10:08am John Stockdale wrote:
Well, that worked. Matt, thanks for your post. The extra surgery in Malling was successfully argued for by Maureen Messer along with an extension to the deadlione for comments on the parking review. So, thanks Maureen. There are particular issues connected with the effect tCPZ 'J' will have on off-site parking by those working at Police HQ. But, the surgery and the public meeting are not restricted to Malling. This is the last chance for those from other parts of the Town to comment if they haven't done so already.
On 5 Aug 2011 at 11:37am Paul Newman wrote:
Go on ..talk, consult, waste your time. In the end they will have carved the whole town up into what is a tax on cars. That is a certain fact
No Council in the history of councils has ever decided they don`t need your money. If you say no, they "Return to the issue ", if you still say no, they shut down everywhere around you until you have no choice.You will notice that magically no-one seems to be personally accountable for this highway robbery.
Don`t think having a drive will save you, then they get you any time someone visits so you still have to pay .
If they are going to increase the council tax by what 25%? with this wheeze I would rather we at least got to laugh about it. Instead of taxing cars why not tax clocks, windows or garden ornaments. Why not collect it dressed in clown outfits, I feel this would add due solemnity to the whole project

On 5 Aug 2011 at 1:34pm Supergrass. wrote:
Lewes has been utterly ruined by the parking scheme. Then the Council ruin the Castle make Anne of Cleeves house look like an executive home and to cap it all give the Priory ruins a makeover to make it look like Disneyworld.
On 5 Aug 2011 at 1:44pm bastian wrote:
let's put Lewes on the open market,sell it all..what do you reckon it's worth?any estate agents out there want to take an educated guess?
On 5 Aug 2011 at 7:13pm Matt Kent wrote:
I hope many local residents find the time to speak to Atkins personally and air their views to the consultants. Surely better then filling in a form? Time has been found to extend the consultation. Lets all make the most of that opportunity. Cheers - Matt
On 5 Aug 2011 at 7:55pm onewhoknows wrote:
Supergrass. No Council runs the Castle or Anne of Cleeves House. Sussex Archeological Society do. And the Priory is run by The Priory Trust, not by any council.
On 5 Aug 2011 at 9:35pm Supergrass. wrote:
Still ruined. I hope they're pleased with themselves. Load of philistines.
On 5 Aug 2011 at 9:52pm Sopwith Camel wrote:
The corporate entity Atkins is so wrapped up with NSI, the administrators of the parking scheme it is not possible to expect an outcome that has anything to do with the desires of Lewes inhabitants. It's all jobs for the (old boy) boys (network) and sops to consultative democracy, designed to tick the necessary boxes. No-one but Mat and John think it's worth a jot. It's worrying that they do as this makes them appear young naive fools.... our misty eyed elected representatives.

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