On 23 Nov 2011 at 8:29pm Unlucky Jim wrote:
It seems to be more like a pub raffle. How is impartiality assured? Can I cancel my direct debit?
On 23 Nov 2011 at 8:39pm Coop wrote:
It's a short lived limp raffle run by a couple of chavs. She's worth a go though. More than the raffle is. If you've signed up for the long run, more fool you
On 23 Nov 2011 at 9:12pm Unlucky Jim wrote:
Yep, I've signed up. The sales pitch was very good and it offered up to £1000 per week winnings. However, when you see that the winner is drawn in a Pub, and the prize money is usually around £50 you do wonder if it is worth while?
On 23 Nov 2011 at 10:42pm Coop wrote:
It's not
On 24 Nov 2011 at 10:39am DFL wrote:
Absolutely not !!
On 24 Nov 2011 at 4:27pm Suspicious wrote:
I smell a rat here in 'Lucky Jim's' comments.
The lottery is drawn in a different pub each week and that means you can actually go and personally witness the draw. I have done and I saw nothing to make me think it was anything other than legit.
Why would you have any doubt about the impartiality of the Lewes Lottery 'Lucky Jim'? Or perhaps you have an axe to grind? Unlike most on this forum (including me of course) they are not anonymous, the draws are held publicly and they are registered with the appropriate authorities in relation to the gambling laws.
As far as I'm aware the prize money does indeed go up to £1000 or half of the prize fund. As it's been running for a short time the prize fund is presumably quite small. But what that also means are that the odds of winning are very much in your favour as there are not huge numbers of subscribers yet.
As time goes on the number of subscribers will increase and so will the prize fund up to the max of £1000.
If you don't want to sign up then why not just buy a weekly ticket or tickets instead.
No, I'm not part of the Lottery Team, but as I said earlier I have witnessed a draw and can see nothing wrong with what they are doing.
On 24 Nov 2011 at 5:23pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Can you remind me where I can buy weekly please?I had no problem understanding from the leaflet that it COULD be £1000.I realized it meant depending on subscribers!Mislaid the leaflet but,if I know where to buy, I shall be giving it a go.
On 24 Nov 2011 at 5:50pm Lewes Cinema wrote:
Hello, we are selling them on an individual ticket basis at the cinema ticket desk (Lewes CINEMA, not film club) - but we are only screening every alternate weekend at All Saints so you might want to find other outlets as well. Check out the Lewes Lottery website but I think that tourist info is selling tickets as well.
At least one of the tickets we sold recently was a winning one!
We are fundraising for new digital cinema equipment and we are one of the beneficiaries of the lottery at the moment.
Hope that helps!
On 24 Nov 2011 at 11:21pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Many Thanks Lewes Cinema. I shall certainly be giving it a go.
On 27 Nov 2011 at 11:17pm the old mayor wrote:
Remember someone had a loada printing done - and called them Lewes Pounds, Fivers & Tenners. Anyone see 'em anymore ?
On 28 Nov 2011 at 11:27pm The Lewes Lottery wrote:
Hi there
I am the 'chav' who runs The Lewes Lottery!
I wonder why certain individuals feel the need to be sexist and negative.The lottery is run at my own cost- 50% goes to the good causes and 50% to the prize. So far all advertising, admin, letters, flyers and printing costs have been funded by me - there have been no loans, grants etc.
We do the weekly draw in a pub so we can increase the winnings in the early stage of setting up the lottery. ts also a good opportunity to meet our members and talk about what we do. The pub draw also allows people to witness the draw live. The chances of winning the draw are high, and we now have over 100 members and it's going up every day.
I think what some people are forgetting, is that the lottery provides an opportunity to support your community, and have a good possibility of winning a nice cash prize. The Christmas draw will have many more prizes up for grabs. I have no doubt that the lottery will eventually reach its desired 2000 member target and its supporters will reap the rewards of supporting their community. My phone number is on the The Lewes Lottery website should you wish to contact me at any time.
Also Unlucky Jim your support is recognised and valued so please get in touch if you need to discuss any concerns. As for the purchase of single tickets The Lewes Cinema sell them and we are looking for a venue where we can sell them on a regular basis-any suggestions would be great!
On 28 Nov 2011 at 11:31pm Webbo wrote:
Good on you, Lewes Lottery, you do a great job.
I hope it builds and builds it's a fantastic idea and if there is anything I can do to help your cause, let me know.
On 28 Nov 2011 at 11:39pm The Lewes Lottery wrote:
Thank you Webbo, your support means a lot.
On 7 Dec 2011 at 9:30am Marcus Powel wrote:
Hi I am marcus powel,Last week i had seen a site which is very informative about online lottery for details follow the site
Check it out here »