On 10 Feb 2016 at 8:02pm Tulip wrote:
Since when has it been acceptable to let your baby scream for 1/2 an hour in a library? People upstairs trying to study for an exam , having to suffer it because you wouldn't take your baby home , feed it & put it to bed - babies don't cry for no reason!! So selfish - stay at home and get your Boden catalogue out & look after your baby until they are old enough to read
On 10 Feb 2016 at 9:15pm Mavis wrote:
Shhhhhhhh !
On 10 Feb 2016 at 9:37pm selfish git wrote:
Why didn't you say something at the time? Or did you whisper it?
On 10 Feb 2016 at 9:44pm Puzzled wrote:
You make a good point, Tulip. Parents of screeching babies and toddlers seem to expect the rest of the world to put up or shut up. Years ago, people of my generation, if we were unfortunate enough to find our offspring screaming, running about out of control etc, would take them away from that area - e.g. out of church or the supermarket - and do whatever needed doing, or at least wait until the noise subsided before taking them back in.
I think parents should accept that they are perfectly free to pursue their child-rearing methods in their own home, but they should not inflict them on others while outside the home. I would say it is their duty to teach their children what behaviour is suitable for different occasions, so that they are welcome wherever they go.
This also goes for clearing up the mess your toddler may spread around the surrounding area in a cafe, and not just get up and leave it for the staff to deal with.
No doubt this post will result in many thumbs down from outraged parents, but I maintain that it is the job of parents to encourage their children to behave well; I would say that an out of control child is a frightened child, because they rely on their parents to set the boundaries, and in some cases that is not happening.
On 10 Feb 2016 at 10:17pm Tulip wrote:
Ha ha Selfish Git - I did voice my concerns to the lovely young librarian who was also feeling stressed but unfortunately nothing she could do. It is worth the journey to Hove library they wouldn't put up with it - study rooms are just that ! And totally agree Puzzled
On 10 Feb 2016 at 10:55pm Clifford wrote:
Lewes Library is a miracle of bad design. Completely open on both floors so every little sound and conversation carries all over the building. I assume it won some kind of architectural prize.
On 10 Feb 2016 at 11:31pm Lewes Chap wrote:
Apparently libraries ceased to be quiet spaces a few years ago, when some bright spark decided it was more important to become "inclusive spaces". Result - long-standing library users don't bother anymore because of all the racket. Brilliant.
On 10 Feb 2016 at 11:37pm Maria Cauliflower wrote:
Don`t worry, as the economy is tanking we will be closing Lewes library in the not too distant future.it is surely a matter of fairness.Why should the tax payer pay for a facility that most people don`t use?
On 11 Feb 2016 at 12:03am Lewes Chap wrote:
On the contrary, the proposed reduced hours are very fair, leaving plenty of access for those who wish to make a racket.
On 11 Feb 2016 at 1:22am Tom Cauliflower wrote:
Yes sell it off like the post office & like so many other public assets that has gone to the private corporate funds..
Uuumm.. Let me think Maria...
That's another brilliant Tory dim idea isn't it..
On 11 Feb 2016 at 7:30am Clifford wrote:
Maria Cauliflower wrote: 'Why should the tax payer pay for a facility that most people don`t use?'
Like Trident do you mean?
On 11 Feb 2016 at 7:37am Grunge wrote:
"Trident", Clifford? Paradoxically, it is there so that we don't have to use it. If we didn't have it, we would soon feel the draught!
On 11 Feb 2016 at 7:41am Queenie wrote:
I expect it's on the list for the Subud's to buy for a couple of hundred grand.. Lewes council would ever turn down an offer like that.
On 11 Feb 2016 at 7:52am Latihan Len wrote:
Interesting that the acoustics are bad for a library - they are Great for a Latihan hall. The wailing will echo everywhere.
On 11 Feb 2016 at 9:30am Clifford wrote:
Grunge wrote: "Trident", Clifford? Paradoxically, it is there so that we don't have to use it. If we didn't have it, we would soon feel the draught!
Yes, Grunge, I've noticed how Germany, Italy, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, the entire continent of Africa, all of Latin America... are constantly under nuclear attack or the threat of it. Even Blair admitted the only reason Britain keeps the 'nuclear deterrent' is to retain a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
On 11 Feb 2016 at 12:15pm trooper wrote:
The word library is incorrect, it is now known as a "Community Space" with books.That is the Politically correct definition.
On 11 Feb 2016 at 12:48pm Mrs P wrote:
screaming baby will be working to pay your pension in years to come, just saying.
On 11 Feb 2016 at 12:53pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Delighted to hear they still have books, Trooper. I thought they might have gone totally digital by now.
On 11 Feb 2016 at 1:38pm trooper wrote:
@AC-T Point taken, give them time, they are working on it.
On 11 Feb 2016 at 3:55pm Clifford wrote:
Mrs P wrote: 'screaming baby will be working to pay your pension in years to come, just saying.'
But why does the screaming baby have to scream in the library, Mrs P? Just saying.
On 11 Feb 2016 at 9:29pm Sussex Jim wrote:
Tulip- I would have (politely) asked the mother directly to remove the noisy child from the library.
On 12 Feb 2016 at 6:59pm Celine wrote:
Mrs P. I will be expecting the baby to work to pay for me as I'm currently working to pay for it. That's called society.
On 12 Oct 2016 at 2:21pm Bernard wrote:
The old library may have been a prefab but it was much more suitable.Different areas different purposes such as Sussex/Reference/General/Fiction rooms so no noise if required for private study.The new library has noise wherever you are as it is 'all inclusive' .Last couple of visits featured children running around downstairs-all unchallenged by staff.Also,it's a heat trap on a hot day due to the wooden build.Also,silly small tables so no room for study materials.Absolutely no common sense with this one at all...............