Lewes Forum thread

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Lewes Flood Meeting

On 10 Feb 2007 at 9:58pm Smiler wrote:
Don't forget to go to the Lewes Flood Action meeting on Monday night at the Malling Community centre.
Its really important to keep up the pressure or we'll never get the defences done.
If they move the centre of Lewes to the Phoenix Quarter there will be even less incentive to spend the money to protect Cliffe.
We have to get it pushed through as quickly as possible or it may well be too late.
On 12 Feb 2007 at 3:19pm Smiler wrote:
Its tonight at 7pm
On 13 Feb 2007 at 10:03pm Janet Street Preacher wrote:
Did anybody go, I couldn't make it.
Was it worth going to? What happened? etc. etc.
On 18 Feb 2007 at 3:17pm The Super K wrote:
Apparantly no one went!

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