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Lewes District Council and Facebook

On 18 Jun 2009 at 7:18pm THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
I wish Lewes District Council would do something about planning, parking and all those aggravating other issues than wasting my £147 pounds of monthly Council Tax on resources to create their own Facebook network. Wonder what the Head of Operations has to add to it? And I don't mean his profile!!!
On 18 Jun 2009 at 8:22pm i dont live in lewes... wrote:
Bugger me (and that's not an offer)... have you added them as a friend then Foxy?
On 18 Jun 2009 at 8:38pm George Doors wrote:
Perhaps he is lonely
On 18 Jun 2009 at 9:05pm Cliffebimbo wrote:
First I've heard of it (and I work there). Does it really cost money to set up a network? I really don't think they would waste money on this kind of thing. I could be wrong though.
On 18 Jun 2009 at 9:24pm HH wrote:
Doubt it
On 19 Jun 2009 at 1:46am THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
It's free to create a Facebook network but I'm amazed with what energy LDC employees must have pursued the creation of the network during work time or out of hours. I hope they would be as passionate about other things. If it has been done during work hours it certainly is a misuse of resources and embezzlement of Council Tax. I'm also curious what purpose this network serve? Surely I hope that LDC employees do not discuss council interna on a public networking site. The fact that it's a 'by invitation' network (verified by supplying an LDC work email address) does not matter in this circumstance. If it has been created and used out of hours and it's pure purpose is to serve as a causual communication platform for current and ex employees I do wonder what the director of operations thinks of this as of it's association of LDC and work email address validation? A facebook group is more than adequate for this. If the network is for work use (and I wouldn't be surprised) someone should get sweaty palms now.
On 19 Jun 2009 at 7:41am Cliffebimbo wrote:
You seem to know a lot about LDC but don't seem to be aware that Internet usage of a non-work related matter is prohibited except at lunchtimes and even then many websites are unavailable for viewing. These include social networking sites, eBay, any sites which involve shopping. Our IT department are able to monitor our Internet usage and it is reported to managers. Believe it or not, many of us don't sit around playing Solitaire.
On 19 Jun 2009 at 8:10am CouncilTaxPayer wrote:
There was a 'typing pool' at Lewes House that did absolutely nothing and it was headed by a relative of another senior officer, surprise-surprise. I wonder if they're still there playing Solitaire? I'm sure it's the same throughout LDC.
On 19 Jun 2009 at 8:49am LTR wrote:
Hi Cliffbimbo,
as you have LDC connections, could you go on theis facebook site and correct the various mistakes Lindsay Frost makes, as we bring them to your attention. First you could explain to your fellow LDC employees our good old favourite, that fire access to a development site is a planning issue, not something for building control as Mr Frost wrongly claims in public. Might be a good way of explaining the law to colleagues when your own director can't get it right.
On 19 Jun 2009 at 9:31am Cliffebimbo wrote:
He is not my director.
On 19 Jun 2009 at 9:40am Cliffebimbo wrote:
Ok, I'm intrigued. I have just had a look at Facebook (don't worry, I am not at work wasting tax payers money) and I can't see anything about Lewes District Council. So where is this information and how did you find out about it Intrepid Fox, seeing as you don't work for the Council? And by the way, I do not accept friend requests from people I don't know, so don't bother again.
On 19 Jun 2009 at 1:40pm THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
Cliffebimbo, whomever rattled your cage it wasn't me. Deep breath. LTR and CTP have found a target and just take advantage of the fact that you work for LDC which is a bit daft to admit every time it comes to an LDC discussion. Don't be surprised to find yourself in a pickle. Personally I have nothing against you, I don't have an issue you working for LDC and you may be pleased to hear that people talk very highly of you. I found out the following way: If you follow my instructions in a certain group you belong to and just type Lewes you will see 'Lewes District Council' popping up as a network. Submit your work email and see what happens. Since you know so much about me you surely know that I am familiar with the techniques of restricted internet access at the workplace and what goes with it. I also know how to get around it. Not saying you do but doubt that all LDC and ESCC systems are completely watertight. By the way, since you do know so much about me your last statement seems to be in contradiction. Peace? Friends perhaps? Or am I pushing it? *** SENT FROM MY NCP PHONE ***
On 19 Jun 2009 at 1:43pm LTR wrote:
I couldn't find it either.
Cliffbimbo, LDC have a whistleblowing policy, so I am wondering when any of the LDC staff might start adhering to it. He doesn't need to be your, or even my director, we are both council tax payers and can expect something better than a department thatd oesn't understand, or adhere to correct planning law.
On 19 Jun 2009 at 1:52pm LTR wrote:
Intrepid Fox, I am sorry that you seem to think that fire safety is just 'a target' I will bring it up every time there is an opportunity to, until the mistake is acknowledged. I am sorry if it is a bit boring. It is for me, but as you have said you live in the lane, and know that the fire access there does not work, then pressumably you might be as concerned as i am. Pressumably you have never witnessed a fire in Lewes, so should perhaps find out how many vehicles were required to put out a blaze by the war memorial, and wonder how they would all squeeze into St Nicholas lane. Perhaps you haver never experienced the impact of a dangerous fire. Lewes has had regular examples over the years, and they are just a little bit dangerous! Try contacting Jim Owen in Uckfield and see what he has to say about the matter.

On 19 Jun 2009 at 2:43pm THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
Dearest LTR, I'm very well aware of the fire trap I occupy and you have all of my support. Was it you who spoke out at the last 'Planning Matters' meeting? I'm quite busy dealing with other issues screwed up with the development and have to pick my fights. Highways road closure to replace fishbone pavement with tarmac strip and exchanging concrete curbs for vintage models (the two are in contradiction to each other) is more imminent and there's enough time to sort fire access before Nov 5th. But I'm all with you. Why don't you email me on [email protected] and we can concentrate our efforts and bring Planning to justice?
On 19 Jun 2009 at 2:45pm THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
LTR, what I wanted to add was that I just found it inadequate to attack Cliffebimbo as him/her is not anywhere near the Planning department.
On 19 Jun 2009 at 6:50pm why wrote:
ltr why ever did you move there ? get out before it goes up in smoke, or is that all to easy,
On 20 Jun 2009 at 2:26pm Bert&Ernie wrote:
Dear Why,
He moved there because he was living in a flat in Brighton which athough fine when theymoved in turned out to have serious damp problems. There there was black mould growing throughout and the mattress sucked up liquid through the floor and grew white mould. Health deteriorated Etc Etc Etc. He lives there because he and his partner can't afford to live anywhere else, and were offered the opportunity. You can call it 'out of the frying pan, into the fire' (Pun intended) if you like but I call it survival. Funnily enough the council didn't write to them and inform them of such matters before they moved in, and even if they had the word 'grateful' doesn't begin to express how they both feel about living in a clean, modern flat in reasonably quiet street. If you think it's easy to find somewhere to live with limited resources then I suggest you try. They are well aware it is not without issues.
On 20 Jun 2009 at 4:54pm THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
Err...Bert & Ernie.. almost right I'm not LTR though. Why is confused. We can afford to live somewhere else but where offered this keyworker accomodation at low rent in a situation which worsened and has been described by you accurately. It's in a very beautiful town with lovely people. By lovely I mean the welcoming locals not Bill's DFL breakfast club. You would be stupid to refuse. No we didn't know of any of the issues beforehand, but I'm determined to get justice down and to positively contribute to this town that planning disasters like Baxters never happen again. Disgrace and gross incompetence across the board, LDC, ESCC, Developer, Managing Agent. You name it.

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