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Lewes Coalition meeting

On 22 Apr 2009 at 10:04am Smiler wrote:
I couldn't make it, did anything interesting happen?
On 22 Apr 2009 at 10:56am LTR wrote:
LDC have finally crumbled, and are going to stop misadvising Councillors, They produced information that everyone should see that makes it clear that Councillors not only can, but should be meeeting with residents to discuss planning applications. of course weall knew this already, because we understand the Law, and codes of conducts. It is just a shame that Councillors were so easily deceived by officers.
My highlight was a local resident explaining to the Director of planning, the difference between fire access considered by Building regs, and fire access as a Planning consideration. The idiot man still doesn't understand, which says a lot about why our Planning department has been so crap.
Looks like Councillor Gardiner might have finally started seeing the light. So a small cheer for him. Hopefully we will be reading less of his defensive stuff in the Express, based on incorrect officer advice, and more positive contributions based on representing the electorate.
On 22 Apr 2009 at 1:41pm Rozzer wrote:
It sounds as if the sooner Lindsay Frost moves to that retirement cottage in Cornwall the better.
On 22 Apr 2009 at 2:28pm sashimi wrote:
Well, I'm not sure we want LF to disappear just yet. LTR is right, we now have some positive vibes coming from the members of the planning committee and the officers that suggest they are listening to their constituents and not just to pushy developers. They still sound very weak on enforcement and on taking aggressive chancers to the law. Yes, the clarity on what councillors can do and say about planning is very welcome. Maybe the brighter ones who have been doing it discreetly, will now be more upfront about it. (The dimmer ones for whom I suspect the former policy of say nothing was aimed at, would probably do well to go on keeping their mouths shut.)
On 22 Apr 2009 at 8:21pm LTR wrote:
actually Lindsay frost should go on an anger management course first, before he either retires, or carries on having to change his ways.
On 23 Apr 2009 at 7:38am Rozzer wrote:
When are the next district council elections? That might have something to do with the change of tone - then they'll go back to normal service if they are re-elected. I think we need a few more independents on the council.
On 23 Apr 2009 at 8:27am Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
It was sad that Mr Frost did not provide direct answers to direct questions - preferring to blame either other departments or ESCC for his departments downfallings. When responding to one residents question, he decided to make an unprofessional comment regarding that resident rather than answer the question.
Strange - I was hoping he would redeem himself - but I was not surprised
On 23 Apr 2009 at 5:49pm Rozzer wrote:
The LibDem leaflet telling me to vote for them in the county council elections came through my letter box today. So, as far as I'm concerned, that's an explanation for this new (and temporary) touchy-feely LDC. But if they've got any sense they'll give Frost his cards.
On 23 Apr 2009 at 8:08pm LTR wrote:
I ma not sure waht is worse. Being unprofessional towards a resident, or tyelling everyone at the meeting incorrect information about planning law.
Apparently they will not enforce a planning condition either, which required a restriction on parking permits to Baxters residents.

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