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Lewes Cinema's outrageous vitriolic attack

On 17 Dec 2010 at 1:32pm Karl Thurston-Brown wrote:
Does anyone know where this thread has gone to? It seems to have disappeared with all trace.
On 17 Dec 2010 at 1:38pm Independent thinker wrote:
Perhaps wise heads decided a very public argument wasn't in the best interests of Lewes Cinema, All Saints, the Town Council, or most importantly the public, and it's best conducted in private? Just a guess.
On 17 Dec 2010 at 1:50pm Karl Thurston-Brown wrote:
Sounds like a far more Adult way of dealing with things to me!
On 17 Dec 2010 at 1:52pm Curious wrote:
I can see why All Saints and the Town Council wouldn't be thrilled, and clearly yesterday's post backfired spectacularly against Lewes Cinema... but how exactly does censorship benefit the people of Lewes?
On 17 Dec 2010 at 1:58pm Deelite wrote:
This prudent censorship probably benefits both Lewes Council and Lewes Cinema. Who knows if it benefits the people of Lewes or not.... (bit of a toughy that one).
On 17 Dec 2010 at 2:07pm an independent observer wrote:
Karl - do you it might be worth mentioning that your own view might be coloured by the fact that you are married to the all saints manager?
On 17 Dec 2010 at 2:17pm Karl Thurston-Brown wrote:
This is exactly why I wrote the messages in my name, so as not to be hidden. What I wrote on the original thread was all thoroughly valid as anyone who has ever put on an event or knows the business would be aware of. It was most definitely, & very carefully, steered away from any kind of influence as you have mentioned.
On 17 Dec 2010 at 2:38pm an independent observer wrote:
Although you use your name you didn't say that you were married to the manager and some people (including me) would not have realised that at first. Obviously it does affect how other will see your comments though.
On 17 Dec 2010 at 3:15pm Karl Thurston-Brown wrote:
I am an independent person talking from an independent point of view & not 'someone who is married to someone' or talking from their point of view. I trust the people of Lewes would treat me as such.
On 17 Dec 2010 at 3:38pm An independent observer wrote:
I agree with Deelite - it's probably time this subject was put to rest.
On 17 Dec 2010 at 3:57pm Cynic wrote:
Come off it Karl Thurston-Brown.
On 17 Dec 2010 at 4:50pm bastian wrote:
Let's just add "rogue town clerk" to this debate and see if this thread disappears to.
On 17 Dec 2010 at 5:05pm Independent thinker wrote:
I said it wasn't in the interests of the public, because it's the public that use the All Saints and Lewes Cinema and if things are said that can't then be unsaid and either or both suffer as a result, it's the public that could end up paying the price. Personally, I like being able to walk to a cinema to catch a new release instead of having to travel out of town, so I hope everyone involved will calmly, and privately, sort out their differences.
On 17 Dec 2010 at 10:48pm rosebud wrote:
When Lewes Cinema had a pretty free hand at All Saints in the early noughties they put in a plan for the centre to be run by them and for fixed cinema seating to be installed downstairs. Thus limitng the use of the centre to; yes you've guessed it- wall to wall cinema. A plan that was sensibly turned down by the town council who had the audacity to then appoint a manager. You can imagine the greeting she received from the aformentioned, who had been lording it their for some time. Nose well and truly put out of joint, they proceeded to make her life extremely difficult. A nightmare in fact! All Saints was set up originally by Fran Whittle and friends as a community arts and youth centre and not as a space where businesses could hire a venue very cheaply in order to make a large profit and in the process pick and choose the best days of the week to host their event. Lewes Cinema hate the idea of any other organisation showing film in the Lewes area and have thus fallen out with Lewes Film Club, The Oyster Project and Lewes Junior Film Club. I think that says it all.
On 17 Dec 2010 at 11:05pm MC wrote:
Gawd. And it all seemed so nice.
On 18 Dec 2010 at 1:31am Greenfly wrote:
Well Rosebud - you got bits right but not much. I know the Lewes Cinema people well (and have done for years) and when they proposed hiring the building for cinema it was in fact shut at the time not being used at all after the collapse of the previous trust.
They were turned down by the council on the basis that no one single organisation should have overall control of the venue which was fair enough.
They then regularly hired the building at a time when it was drastically under-used and mostly empty - I don't know if you would call that 'lording' it but they certainly used it and looked after it.
They have rented the building at the full commercial rate (which is higher than many other hirers) for nearly 9 years and it is their regularity of bookings in the early days that helped keep All Saints financially stable.
They originally proposed installing 2 or 3 rows of seating (at their expense) downstairs but this was rejected on the grounds that it would compromise flexibility.
What you 'forgot' to mention is that Lewes Cinema did very generously buy and fit all of the comfortable cinema seats in the balcony for the use of ALL users of the All Saints including your club. Far from being anti-film org I believe that Lewes Cinema also supplied and fitted the current 35mm projection equipment and even the sound system and cabling which was all at their own expense and is used by EVERY organsation screening films there.
I know for a fact that Lewes Cinema certainly does not make 'large profits' - that is a matter of public record (I've seen their accounts). In fact due to the number and breadth of their screenings they actually struggle to make any profit at all relying mostly on volunteer labour to make things work. However, I also know that in contrast the Film Club is relatively rich in cash terms.
They have never had any significant contact with either Oyster or Junior Film Club as far as I know, let alone 'fall-out' with them. They regard the various organisations screening at All Saints as running in parrallel with them rather than comptetively.
In fact I would conclude that since knowing them from when they first started the original childrens film club at All Saints in the late 90's they have certainly not been motivated by profit - if they were they would be doing somthing else altogether!
On 18 Dec 2010 at 3:13am rosebud wrote:
Firsty, I'm not sure which " club" you're referring to in paragraph 4. Secondly, you seem to be seeing things through some very large rose- tinted 2D specs. I suggest you become a fly on the wall for a spell to get the facts and then buzz off back to Lalaland.
On 18 Dec 2010 at 7:01am 'ere be monsters wrote:
Wasn't this all about shovelling a bit of snow off a path?
On 18 Dec 2010 at 8:48am Clifford wrote:
Wasn't it Kissinger who said student politics are so vicious because the issues involved are so trivial? He should have seen this thread.
On 18 Dec 2010 at 10:37am film buff wrote:
For some one so close to Lewes Cinema ( or in ), like them you are incorrect in several of your statements.
I would love to set the record straight again without the thread being deleted, and defend the Town Council staff and the All Saints Centre.
However I believe that their wish is that this should be resolved through the correct and proper channels for the benefit of Lewes and I respect that decision.
On 18 Dec 2010 at 10:56am Clifford wrote:
'However I believe that their wish is that this should be resolved through the correct and proper channels for the benefit of Lewes and I respect that decision.'
If there's a competition for the most pompous self-regarding post I'd like to nominate this.
On 18 Dec 2010 at 1:22pm film buff wrote:
The all saints staff cannot respond on this forum. I've disputed many parts of Lewes Cinema distorted version of events in a previous thread now removed ( don't know whether you had a chance to read it ). People seem to agree there are better ways to sort this out including many posts on this.That's it. In what way is that pompous or self regarding? I would love to have a good fight especially as Lewes Cinema have been gratuitous rude to me and others. See previous. And I am irritated that their crap should go unchallenged, but there it is... No one else to slag off today? In what way is that pompous and
On 18 Dec 2010 at 1:25pm Film buff wrote:
Whoops. Cold fingers. Dodgy phone.
On 18 Dec 2010 at 1:38pm rosebud wrote:
As a mother of three whose children love the cinema,I can only wish for there to be peace in the graveyard and for everyone to give each other a Kissinger-style group hug (without weapons this time though) and to wave Lewes Cinema goodbye as the cherry blossom falls gently to the ground and the pair ride slowly off into the sunset. A fitting end to an epic saga of heroic proportions. Let's face it, anyone can show a film !
On 18 Dec 2010 at 1:54pm MC wrote:
Can we stop here now please?
On 18 Dec 2010 at 6:04pm Brixtonbelle wrote:
In the light of all the public cuts coming our way, it wouldn't surprise me if All Saints is at risk. Any voluntary organisation that puts so much effort into running an amenity, like a film club or small-town cinema should be supported by all of us. Forget the small town politics and in fighting, and focus on the bigger picture of making sure the All Saints survives as a viable venue for everyone to use.
On 18 Dec 2010 at 9:32pm Greenfly wrote:
Wow, some very bitter and twisted people here Film Buff & Rosebud.
Rosebud - I have been a 'fly on the wall' many times as I have volunteered with Lewes Cinema many times in the past and will probably do so many times in the future (including helping them set-out those heavy seats).
Why not email them with your complaints and I'm sure they will respond if they can. They do read this forum but as you know they can't respond directly due the threat of legal action.
Brixtonbelle talks sense and I agree.
On 18 Dec 2010 at 9:47pm The Original Film Buff. wrote:
Film Buff is not me....
On 19 Dec 2010 at 1:31pm 'ere be monsters wrote:
Has anyone been down to clear the snow today?
On 19 Dec 2010 at 5:06pm rosebud wrote:
There's absolutely no need for such flippancy Mr or Ms 'ere be monsters. After all there's no business like snow business. It's important to remember that.
On 20 Dec 2010 at 9:21am 'ere be monsters wrote:
Or Mrs, I'll let that icy remark drift over my head.
On 20 Dec 2010 at 3:09pm rosebud wrote:
Let's hope it's not a snowdrift Mr/Ms or Mrs 'ere be monsters! By the way are you related to 'ere be hancock? You don't have to answer.
On 21 Dec 2010 at 8:06am 'ere be monsters wrote:
Mr Rosebud you must be related to the Sloe!
On 21 Dec 2010 at 5:06pm rosebud wrote:
On 21 Dec 2010 at 11:17pm Greenfly wrote:
I was there yesterday in the afternoon and remarkably the path had been gritted and cleared prior to Lewes Cinema's arrival. Amazing how a forum like this can focus people's minds..
Although I'm told that the deputy Mayor didn't put in an appearance as promised, the day did go very well anywyay for them. I didn't see the evening crowd but there were certainly lot's of happy faces at the afternoon screening of The Nutcracker.
On 21 Dec 2010 at 11:48pm rosebud wrote:
Allelulah !

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