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Lewes Arms - Greene King Boycott

On 13 Feb 2007 at 1:53am The Webmaster wrote:
Lewes.co.uk fully supports the boycott of all Greene King products like IPA following their refusal to sell the superior local brew Harveys best.
The community pub that used to be The Lewes Arms - reputedly the drinking hole of Thomas Paine author of The Rights of Man has been taken over by the juggernaut that is Greene King and the regulars who have made The Lewes Arms such a successful pub have been totally disregarded.
How hard could it be to sell Harveys as a guest ale really?
On 13 Feb 2007 at 5:20pm ExiledfromLewes wrote:
We wunt be Druv, Green king will be in fear with all Lewesians taking such a noble stance. In London people know not to drink the stuff near me. They won't last.

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