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Lewes Arms "Arms" - again

On 25 Nov 2008 at 8:47am Lopster wrote:
I promised I'd let you know about the Pub Sign changes when (indeed IF) I heard...I have here the official (well as official as its likely to get; given that this is cut/pasted from an email to me from the local area rep. for Fullers)...
"It is good to hear from you again, my apologies for not replying to your email below sooner. With regards to the signage at The Lewes Arms there is not a lot I can report, other than we have gone to planning to add the Fullers name to the pub and find out in what form it is acceptable, in addition to again simply painting and general maintenance to the outside. Nothing has been finalised, and we have no intentions of doing anything drastic or out of character.I would also like to assure you that The Lewes Coat of Arms will be remaining as we appreciate that it is an inherent part of the fantastic heritage of the pub."
...seems pretty genuine to me.
On 25 Nov 2008 at 9:06am sashimi wrote:
Thanks, Lopster. That sounds reasonable.
On 25 Nov 2008 at 11:21am Regular wrote:
Don't trust them! The games room now has more tables & chairs than Julian dawson . Freezing cold, no fire and dismal piped muzac. Apparently this is to give us choice. I chose to go home.
On 25 Nov 2008 at 2:44pm Spartacus wrote:
Was in there on Saturday evening, fire in the games room but the pointless piped music, paint work and the general maintenance seem to suck out any warmth that the fire generated. The whole place felt a little sad - but not as sad as the Volunteer.
On 25 Nov 2008 at 3:25pm Pub Crawler wrote:
It's a shame that the Arms is not providing the regulars with want they want, personally, it's never really done anything for me ever....strange place. However, it was probably more peaceful than the Rainbow on sat night, screeching 20 year olds scrapping with each other. God only knows why I went in there !! Didn't stay long, music was good tho'.
On 26 Nov 2008 at 10:51am Scrutiniser wrote:
I have been to the planning office and looked at the plans. The plans do not show what the new sign will look like as it has been convieniently left blank on every computer generated image of the application. Therefore I suggest that everyone objects as it is not clear what is going to happen.
On 26 Nov 2008 at 11:03pm s.oliver wrote:
I don't think that the actual pictorial design is a planning issue. I pressume they intend to change the sign's support.

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