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Letter from Julian Assange

On 8 Jun 2019 at 10:17am Webbo wrote:
Letter written by Julian Assange from Belmarsh prison on the 13th of May 2019.
“I have been isolated from all ability to prepare to defend myself: no laptop, no internet, ever, no computer, no library, so far, but even if I get access it will be just for half an hour, with everyone else, once a week. Just two visits a month and it takes weeks to get someone on the call list and a Catch-22 in getting their details to be security screened. Then all calls except lawyers, are recorded and calls are max 10 minutes and in a limited 30-min window each day in which all prisoners compete for the phone. And credit? Just a few pounds a week and no one can call in.
The other side? A superpower that has been preparing for 9 years with hundreds of people and untold millions spent on the case. I am defenseless and am counting on you and others of good character to save my life.
I am unbroken, albeit literally surrounded by murderers, but the days when I could read and speak and organize to defend myself, my ideals, and my people are over until I am free! Everyone else must take my place.
The US government, or rather, those regrettable elements in it that hate truth liberty and justice, want to cheat their way into my extradition and death, rather than letting the public hear the truth, for which I have won the highest awards in journalism and have been nominated 7 times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Truth, ultimately, is all we have.”
On 8 Jun 2019 at 12:48pm Ferret wrote:
Whatever you think about the rights and wrongs of hacking and Wikileaks, this is vindictive. The video of the murders of journalists and others, including someone who stopped to try and help the wounded, viewable on Wiki, justify their activity, revealing the awful reality of the war in Iraq. Assange should be honoured, not imprisoned.
On 8 Jun 2019 at 9:52pm Tom Pain wrote:
I saw the broadcast from parliament when the P M announced Assange's arrest and all the MPs were grunting " hear hear". I found it quite disgusting to think that we vote for these revolting people. Whether we vote for or against Brexit ,that hideous bunch of troughers will still be there representing who knows what,but it certainly isn't us. As Mark Twain observed, "we have the best democracy money can buy".
On 8 Jun 2019 at 9:53pm Tipex wrote:
I totally support his fight for free speech and uncovering the west's vile activities in Iraq but his references to the "highest awards in journalism" and Nobel peace prize nominations don't help his cause. Nor do his alleged sexual assault charges. I think he's the wrong man for the right cause.
On 8 Jun 2019 at 11:05pm Tom Pain wrote:
His sexual assault charge was based on the breaking of a condom in pursuance of a mutually agreed act, I believe,a charge which was not pursued at the time. It could be assumed that he was "fitted up" if you believe that such things happen in this perfect world.
On 9 Jun 2019 at 6:56pm Tipex wrote:
The last I heard the Swedish judiciary were still pursuing charges so I assume it was more than a an unlucky condom. The fact that Sweden have very liberal free speech laws suggests that it might not be a fit-up and indicate that Julian could be a dangerous criminal.
On 9 Jun 2019 at 7:58pm Tom Pain wrote:
After the incident miss? allowed assange to stay in her apartment. Does that suggest he is a dangerous sex criminal? Information from vox.com. Do you think he stayed in an embassy because of a his word against hers dispute, an unprovable case? Or was it to escape the vengeance of the biggest power in the world for exposing their lies? Difficult question?!!!
On 10 Jun 2019 at 8:01pm Tipex wrote:
Tom there's a million reasons why she might have done that. I think we can assume that the Swedish government might know a bit more than us.
On 10 Jun 2019 at 10:13pm Tom Pain wrote:
You may know a million reasons,Tipex but I can't think of one. I wouldn't trust any government further than I could throw it,if I could that is.
On 11 Jun 2019 at 9:23am Basil wrote:
Like you I don't know one way or the other, but I do admire your faith in governments. I wonder where you've been all these years.

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