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Let there be light

On 17 Dec 2016 at 1:13am Joytoall wrote:
Brexit. What a freaking mess.
On 17 Dec 2016 at 7:49am Toby wrote:
If we try to get a proper negotiated deal (which seems to be where we're heading) then it's unlikely to be in place before we leave. Trying to agree anything with the EU is a nightmare. If we have to run with WTO tariffs and no deal for banking then it's going to be a very bumpy ride.
On 17 Dec 2016 at 8:27am Jug wrote:
I don't give a fig or a fug
On 17 Dec 2016 at 1:04pm Horace wrote:
Brexit was nothing short of glorious. The people of this country once more stood up to bullying, fear and despotic rule to say actually we'll make our own laws, control our own borders, elect our own politicians and importantly retain the ability to throw them out on their hides when they misbehave like that prat Osbourne.
Untangling ourselves from 40 years of bureaucracy will always be challenging but life is about hard work and facing challenges and overcoming them.
Try some positivity and hard work in your life and you might achieve more.

On 17 Dec 2016 at 3:34pm Walpole wrote:
As a man of letters I say ; FU EU

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Oscar Wilde