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Les Mis

On 7 Aug 2014 at 10:29pm Miss Mis wrote:
Just been to see Les Mis at Priory School. I cannot compliment the cast and crew enough, it was an amazing performance! A word of warning..... The isle's were awash with tears and the audience sniffled and sobbed their way through the show! If you are going to watch it take plenty of tissues!!! We'll done all! You truly deserved the full house standing ovation!!
On 7 Aug 2014 at 11:17pm Jack Tinker wrote:
Do put your daughter on the stage Miss Mis and wear your wellies in the aisles ! Oh the standard of education these days ! Every child wants to be on the X Factor. Plus it's a very sad true story, still every cloud....... We are off to see Twin Towers, The musical in 2015 !
On 9 Aug 2014 at 9:04am Isla from Eire wrote:
I despair for this once sceptered isle .I well remember a school play @ the proper Priory - The Long and the Short and the Tall - in the late 60`s. The chaps put on a jolly good show . The band " The Grobs" weren`t half bad @ the end of term do`s . Happy Days
On 9 Aug 2014 at 11:37am High Dudgeon wrote:
Why despair Isla? I saw this the other evening and it's a cracking show with some very talented young actors and singers. And it's not a Priory School production, it just happens to be being staged there by Lewes Operatic Society's youth section.

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