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Last buses home from Brighton

On 9 Dec 2015 at 12:29pm Will Elliott wrote:
Has anyone else been suffering from Brighton & Hove Buses ditching the Thursday/Friday N29 night bus? They've also brought forward the time of the last bus home from Brighton during the week making it useless to pub and bar workers (like me) who used to be able to get home by public transport. Feedback would be great so we can challenge them to reinstate these services in the next timetable!
On 9 Dec 2015 at 1:42pm Horseman7 wrote:
Agreed Will, I used to avail myself of the Thu/Fri N29 frequently. I live in Malling.
On 9 Dec 2015 at 4:21pm Historian wrote:
I agree Will, but in reality, it was hardly very busy really was it ?
On 9 Dec 2015 at 10:33pm Mary wrote:
I miss this service too. I wrote to Brighton and Hove buses about the 29 service in particular. I think it needs to be more frequent, and later at night. They said that if people contacted them, then these views would be taken into consideration at the next timetabling decision making. I live in Malling too and we need this service. Shame our council isn't encouraging better public transport services in comparison to car use.
On 10 Dec 2015 at 12:29pm Will Elliott wrote:
Admittedly the Thursday service could be a bit hit and miss in terms of numbers, but the Friday one was well used in my experience. And in fairness a few of the daytime services are less used until they arrive at Moulsecombe. I'd like to present a petition to B&H buses Mary if you'd like to get involved too?
On 10 Dec 2015 at 2:19pm Will Elliott wrote:
The petition is live here, all support would be marvellous
We the undersigned call upon Brighton & Hove buses to reinstate the Brighton to Uckfield N29 service calling at Lewes on Thursday and Friday nights. We would also ask that the last 28/29 service from Brighton on weekdays reverts to the previous later time of 2345 so that it can be used by those working in and enjoying the night time economy in Brighton. These cuts have hit disabled people and hospitality workers particularly hard as the only viable way of returning home at night, and have a detrimental effect to the whole community served by these routes. It has become both unaffordable for some, and very environmentally unsound for others, to make these late night journeys by private car or taxi.

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